United Church of God

The Cost of Discipleship

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The Cost of Discipleship

MP3 Audio (10.57 MB)


The Cost of Discipleship

MP3 Audio (10.57 MB)

An explanation of Christ’s meaning to deny self and take up your cross to follow Him.

Sermon Notes

Would be people recognize us as a disciple of Jesus Christ.  We live in a world of requirements.

What does God ask of us?

Luke 9:23

 Deny Yourselves.

If we are to become a disciple, we need to deny ourself.  We have to disown ourselves, to reject and turn away.  

Rom. 13:12

Phil. 3:3

Christ is expecting a total transformation.

We want to leave that rubbish pile and transform as Christ wants us to.

Our action plan is to pray that we can dissociate from yourself and partner with Christ.

2.)  Take up your cross.

The Romans killed people in a humiliating way to show their strengths.  We are also enemies of the state as the early Christians were.

Luke 9:26

Matt. 10:32

Do people know who we are?  Do we stand where we appropriately can?  We should we can profess God and His name.

I Pet. 3:15

Do not slink in the shadows with meekness and fear?  We don’t want to jam something down, but be a bridge.  The cross signifies a willingness to die.

It is a daily death.  We don’t live only to our own plan and ambition.

We need to give our life now, for sacrifice and service.

Luke 9:24 → Whoever tries to save their life now -- will lose it.  

Those people who lust for money will ultimately lose themselves.

John 5:30

Subjugate the will of ourselves to the father.

We need a heart totally dedicated to service.

3.)  Follow Christ.

I John 2:6

John 21:15

Christ is asking Peter to follow Him.  We need to let go and let God direct our lives.  Giving ourselves to God has to be our top priority.

People need to know we are disciples of Christ.

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