United Church of God

The Day of the Lord

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The Day of the Lord

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The Day of the Lord

MP3 Audio (14.87 MB)

The sermon explores the three unique words used in Scripture to describe Jesus' return also known as the Day of the Lord. The words are: Parousia (Jesus' personal hands-on involvement), Epiphaneia (the brightness and visibility of His presence), Alpokalypis (revealing the spiritual reality of God's work among mankind both present and future).

Sermon Notes

We are going to take a look at 3 unique words used in scripture to describe Jesus return also known as the Day of The Lord. The words are: Parousiaà, Epiphaneiaà, Alpokalypsis. Many of the scriptures we will be turning to refer to a judgment that occurs when Jesus Christ returns. So, I want to make a quick clarification about the times of judgment before we proceed.

Is the Day of the Lord Judgment Day?

The answer is Yes & No because God’s word to us is primarily concerned with the judgment that comes with the Day of the Lord this period of judgment is misconstrued as if it were THE time of judgment, The ONLY time of judgment. But the Day of the Lord is really A day (or time) of judgment… or more precisely the rendering of a verdict on the subjects under trial. The judgment of the Jesus Christ on the day of the Lord comes at the beginning of the 1000 years during which the rule of the Kingdom of God is extended upon the earth. There is another scheduled judgment that comes at the end of the 1000 years foretold in Rev 20 and Dan 7. So clearly, not everything is judged on the Day of the Lord….but clearly some things are.

What is Judged at Day of the Lord?

When Jesus returns He will judge the world and He will judge the saints… but the scriptures also say He rewards the saints and condemns the world. This can be best understood if we remember that judgment is a process that takes place over a period of time. There is a trial, evidence is reviewed, accusations, confessions, character witnesses… and all this is followed by a verdict after which comes either sentencing to punishment or exoneration.

  1. When He returns Christ renders a verdict on the saints, those who began/begin their time of judgment through baptism and entrance into the new covenant, I Peter 4:17. At The Day of the Lord the saints receive the promised resurrection to eternal life & their reward, Rev 22:12.
  2. I Cor 11:32 - When we read that Christ (condemns) the “WORLD”… we are not talking about the condemnation of all the individuals who have ever lived. That vast sea of humanity is not judged until the second period of judgment referred to earlier. The phrase “the World” coming from the Greek word kosmos… meaning the “order or arrangement of things”. Condemning the world means passing a verdict on the governments, kingdoms, powers, authorities, philosophies, the systems of finance, education, religion, medicine that have been set up by mankind on his wayward journey since being cast out of God’s presence in Eden…   this also includes spiritual forces of evil at work in the world.

3 Words Used To Describe Jesus Return or Coming: Parousia/ Epiphaneia/ Apokalypsis

Parousia = presence or arrival, used semi-technically to refer to persons of high rank… like a king or governor visiting a province on an official visit. In English it would be like saying “entrance”… if we were to say: “Mr. Sinclair made his entrance at precisely 6:37”… because of the words chosen we would assume Mr. Sinclair was some sort of dignitary or special person… and that his personal presence was significant.

  1. Personal presence Acts 1:11à the apostles all knew Jesus personally, same Jesus at the end of the age Matt 24:3 full of power and glory Matt 24:27-31
  2. Personally oversee the raising of the dead à I Thess 4:15-17
  3. Personally gather His people to Himself II Thess 2:1, (already read Matt 24:31)
  4. Personally destroy evil II Thess 2:8against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

Draw attention to the word “brightness” or “splendor”… which is…

Epiphaneia – appearing, shining forth, indicating the visibility of Jesus return… was used by the Greeks of the "appearance" of a god to men, and of an enemy to an army in the field.

Christ’s coming is not done in secret, this word used for both comings:

  1. II Tim 1:10 Coming in the flesh as the Son of Man to display the reality of eternal life and resurrection
  2. Coming as King of Kings – to display His glory, reward the saints, establish the rule of God on earth I Tim 6:14-16,  II Tim 4:8

This will be a big change because throughout human history God has chosen to remain unseen. Only discerned or known through the effect of what He is doing Romans 1:20  

Comment on invisible, word makes concept seem trite… like the Invisible Man… it’s not that you cannot see God… rather He chooses not to be seen, and therefore you do not see God.

However, God has made exceptions, most notably coming in the flesh among men as Jesus Christ an act that was highly visible (Col 1:15), second in full glory like lightning in the sky.

Historically, YHWH also appeared to Moses and the nation of Israel at Sinai and in the desert… the written description we have is of incredible burning brightness (melting rocks), shrouded in clouds. To protect the people from His brightness and holiness… maybe just to shield their eyes… and this is how Jesus will return… in full glory from above like lightning (something incredibly bright) shrouded in clouds.

Comment on literal view of Jesus sitting on a cloud “on” or epi could also be in or among as per KJV

Apokalypsis = unveiling or disclosure… “revelation”

Note: God is always present, always involved with the unfolding of His plan and purpose, but… does not allow Himself to be seen.

Romans 1:20-26 God’s withdrawal or remoteness from humanity has come about by our choices… choosing not to retain knowledge of God, He “gives them over” Eph 4:18, 2:2. Rev 12:9

Describe analogy of being born into a room with a 2-way mirror

  • Matt 11:25-27—God reveals… but you have to exercise faith to believe
  • Phil 3:10-16—reveals not just himself but His purpose, thoughts, and plans
  • II Kings 6:15-17—what’s behind the mirror
  • John 18:33-37—Jesus knew the spiritual reality that lay beyond the physical senses

Christ is already the King seated with the father at His right hand. The Day of the Lord is not the time He is made king, that’s done… and some already see it and acknowledge His rule… that would be you! But the Day of the Lord will reveal His supreme authority and Kingship… it will be the time of his apokalypsis

Phil 2:9-11—the accompanying power and glory are already His, He already has been given sovereignty over His opponents… He is already the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And when He returns that reality will be revealed and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord of all.

What Else Will be Revealed on the Day Of The Lord?   … Righteous Judgment!

  • Positive Romans 8:19 revealing of the sons of God… II Thess 1:4-11
  • Negative II Thess 2:8-12 exposing the reality behind the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and also the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms…

The WORLD … its governments, kingdoms, powers, authorities, philosophies, systems of finance, education, religion, medicine …created without the understanding of the mind and purpose of God will be judged.

Christ’s sovereignty are not evident in the present age/world. But spiritual reality of it has been revealed to you and accepted and believed with faith. But beginning on the Day of the Lord, Jesus Christ will begin to personally take charge in His full glory. His presence shines forth with the brilliance of the sun and the true nature of all things will be revealed and judged in righteousness.

I Peter 1:3- 17

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