United Church of God

The Divinity of Christ, Part 2

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The Divinity of Christ, Part 2

MP3 Audio (10.61 MB)


The Divinity of Christ, Part 2

MP3 Audio (10.61 MB)

In this sermon Mr. Smith completes his two part sermon on the divinity of Jesus Christ. In this sermon he looks at the Hebrew name YHWH or LORD as it is translated to in most English Bibles and shows that when you look at the context of many of these passages you will see that they are speaking of Jesus Christ and not of God the Father. He also looks at the title "The Angel of the LORD" and shows that this is a title for Jesus not God the Father.

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  • Grace DeVenny
    Thank you. How precious were your last words <3 That there can be different thoughts, It is ok. God has blessed each of us with different ways of thinking but one ingredient He has given us His Holy Spirit :-) If we walk with God, then God's love through us will cause our minds to be a t peace with each other and have a loving attitude. God will show us all things. He wants us to love one another :-)
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