United Church of God

The Fields Are White for Harvest

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The Fields are White for Harvest

MP3 Audio (27.77 MB)


The Fields Are White for Harvest

MP3 Audio (27.77 MB)

When Jesus Christ traveled through the land of Samaria, He informed His disciples, that 'the fields are white for harvest'. He was referring to the Samaritans, and their receptiveness to His teachings, and that the disciples would ultimately reap where they did not sow. When we look around us today - the fields are white too. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken America out of her complacency, and for the first time in a number of years, she has realized that she is not invincible. As a result - people are starting to ask questions. Wondering about the pandemic and what it means... Is it something more than just a simple virus? Is God trying to get people's attention? Seeds that were planted 50 years ago are germinating, sprouting and beginning to bear fruit... we are reaping where we have not sown, and just as the Samaritans at the time of Christ, the fields are white for harvest.

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