Pastor Bart Bornhorst gives part two in his series on the get way of life versus the give way. This week he focuses on the give way of life. The message looks at the two trees and explores eating the fruit of the tree of life. Eating from the tree of life puts others first and produces fruits of the Spirit.
Sermon Notes
We covered how human nature seeks to exalt itself. Our human seeks satisfaction and comfort. Our human nature can be very deceptive.
What does it take to live a ‘give way of life’? It is looking out for the best of others and give your focus in life.
Christians look out for the good of others and will put themselves second.
Gen. 2:8-9 → The two trees were very distinct and different.
Gen. 2:16-17 → No restrictions on what you can eat except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The day they ate of it, they brought upon a death sentence.
Throughout the Bible, God used the physical to demonstrate the spiritual. Our family is a physical representation of the spiritual family. This world if full of good and bad, but it all leads to death.
Gen. 3:1
We are curious people and it has lead to much innovation. It is basic trait of human nature and very good if you manage it. It can be bad, though, if it rules your decision process.
Eve’s curiosity was encouraged by Satan. She let it decide her decision against God. Adam and Eve had unlimited access to God, but what did they do with the decision before them. Would they satisfy their curiosity?
Gen. 3:7-13 → After they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, their eyes were opened. That sin completely separated us from God. We will withdraw and hide from God. Sin dominated their life and controlled them because they knew they disobeyed. When we are guided by human nature, we are guided by Satan’s influences.
Eat from the tree of life daily.
Gen. 3:22
Mark. 15:37
Heb. 4:14 → Jesus was tempted in every way possible and still stood firm.
Hebrews 9:1
Hebrews 10:19- → Be bold and have confidence when going before God.
Most of mankind has access blocked from God.
We must choose God’s way of life every day.
Psalms 119:105 → If we drink in God’s word every day, we will have a path to walk.
We must live by the fruit of the tree of life.
Gal. 5:22 → Fruits of the spirit. There are not restrictions on eating from this tree of life.
Rom. 8:14
Eating from the tree of life daily helps us put others first. Other people will recognize us in this new focus on the betterment of others.
Matt. 7:16 → You will know them by their fruits.
We learn, grow, and become a better person.
Prov. 3:13-18 → Happy is man who finds wisdom and gains understanding.
We are no longer an old man growing corrupt. We are a new man filled with life with access to the father.
Col. 3:9-10
Living a new life and a give way of life tie together.
Prov. 11:30 → The fruit of the righteous, this is talking about us.
What does the get way of life bring to others -- pain, strain, sorrow.
Rev. 22;14 → Do the commandments and be obedient to God. Obedience gets you a path the tree of life.