United Church of God

The God Family

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The God Family

MP3 Audio (26.95 MB)


The God Family

MP3 Audio (26.95 MB)

Speaking of blessings and things to be thankful for, the nuclear family (dad, mom, and kids) is a blessing for those who choose to live that way of life. Sadly, though, the nuclear family is a debated topic in today’s world. In recent years "family" has been redefined to fit the purposes of some, and some voices even advocate for doing away with this basic building block of society that has been the foundation of every successful nation or kingdom in mankind's history. Can you imagine a world with no family structure? Can you imagine having no say in how your child is trained or educated? Can mankind even continue to exist if the nuclear family disappears? What is behind this attack on the family? Did God have a really special, unique purpose and future in mind for mankind when He created us male and female and instituted the family unit? His Word gives us the answer to "why family."

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