United Church of God

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

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The Lightbulb Conspiracy

MP3 Audio (6.67 MB)


The Lightbulb Conspiracy

MP3 Audio (6.67 MB)

In the mid 1920's a number of lightbulb manufacturers came together and agreed to reduce the lifespan of their incandescent bulbs and raise their prices to be comparable so as to reduce competition and create a cartel. It was the first instance of planned obsolescence in modern history. While terrible for the consumer, it's great for the business - and other businesses have now borrowed this business plan creating items that are inexpensive and difficult to repair, so when they go bad - we'll just throw them away instead of repairing them. We've done this for so long, we've become a throwaway society. It is ingrained. Do we do this with our relationships? With our friendships and our marriages? With our relationship with God? Do we reach a point where we begin to question whether the relationship is worth the work? Do we follow the conspiracy?

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