United Church of God

The Loss of Biblical Knowledge: What It Means for America and You

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The Loss of Biblical Knowledge

What it Means for America and You

MP3 Audio (38.74 MB)


The Loss of Biblical Knowledge: What It Means for America and You

MP3 Audio (38.74 MB)

The Western, Christian world is Biblically illiterate. Because of that, they ignore the guidance given through the Word of God.

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  • SharonMusgrave
    I was spiritually led to a video about the Sabbath and how it was changed to Sunday. I have spent my whole life believing Sunday was the Sabbath. I was floored like ice water in my face. I began to research and asked members of my church. The answer I got from them gave an instant scream in my head... WRONG! Not Right...Find the truth! Thank you for confirming the nudges and shoves I was feeling and the opening of my mind and knowledge. Thank you for being here so I can further my following God's Commandments as His Word asks of us. Once knowing this, I can not accept man's reason for changing this Holy Day. A weight is off my shoulders. I will be a regular viewer in this glorious mass of truth and light. I give a heartfelt Thank You for being led here to our wonderful Father, His love is within us, we just need to trust and follow when he lights the path.
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