United Church of God

The Messiah: The Misunderstood Mission

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The Messiah

The Misunderstood Mission

MP3 Audio (8.72 MB)


The Messiah: The Misunderstood Mission

MP3 Audio (8.72 MB)

Jesus performed miracles and signs. He healed the sick, raised the dead, quelled storms of nature, fed the multitudes and exercised absolute authority over the spirit world—yet ultimately He was rejected by everyone. His message and His purpose were fundamentally misunderstood by those who saw and heard Him. He wasn't accepted as Israel's Messiah. After a 3 1/2-year ministry out of the tens of thousands who followed and listened to Him, only 120 followers were there when the Church began with the receipt of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon Notes

The Messiah's Misunderstood Mission

Jesus performed miracles and signs. He healed the sick, raised the dead, quelled storms of nature, fed the multitudes and exercised absolute authority over the spirit world—yet ultimately He was rejected by everyone. His message and his purpose were fundamentally misunderstood by those who saw and heard Him. He wasn't accepted as Israel's Messiah. After a 3 1⁄ 2-year ministry out of the tens of thousands who followed and listened to Him, only 120 followers were there when the Church began with the receipt of the Holy Spirit.

John 1:11 "He came to His own [people], and His own did not receive Him"

Isaiah 53:3 rejection foretold

The Scribes and Pharisees never liked Jesus because His God-given authority threatened their power

The common people liked Jesus when He fed them and healed them, they liked hearing Him put the Scribes and Pharisees in their place… but when He talked to them about the high standards of the Kingdom of God, about meekness, humility, suffering etc. they grew less enthusiastic.

And today… unconditional love, acceptance… J Obedience, overcoming, self-control… not so much

What they did like was the idea that He might be the Messiah they were looking for… to feed them, to lead them in the overthrow of their Roman overlords, restore their national pride and stuff like that.

What expectations about the Messiah did the Jews have?

The Jews of Jesus’ day knew the scriptures and knew the prophecies concerning the Messiah, the chosen or "anointed one" in Hebrew. They anticipated a strong and powerful Messiah who would once again deliver them from bondage… forcibly removing the occupying Roman imperial forces, restoring an independent Jewish Kingdom, and leading them into prosperity. They saw him as a second Moses and David wrapped into one.

Matt 2:1-2 possibly Jews from Babylon

Matt 2:3-16 even the unrighteous Herod knew (and gave credence to) the prophecies.

Note: Christ is simply the Greek word for the “anointed one”

Matthew 22:42 people expected to Messiah to be a king restoring the house of David

Matthew 9:27 even blind people made the connection (Matthew 20:30)

Matthew 12:22-23

Matthew 15:22 even a Canaanite woman knew

Matthew 21:9

The number and scope of the miracles Jesus performed—miracles not equaled in the history of Israel even by the great prophets—led people to the conclusion that He had to be the prophesied Messiah… John 7:31

But it was not the time for the restoration of the Kingdom in the plan of God

John 6:14-15 allusion to Deut 18:15-19… note: Jesus birth was a prophesied event… and Jesus was Himself also a prophet.

His birth and life in the flesh… it's timing… it's details… his actions fulfilled many of the prophecies. His life as the servant who endured suffering, the offering of His life as a sacrifice for sin were all there in the OT writings BUT people were also expecting all the other prophecies about the Messiah to be fulfilled at the same time

Isaiah 9:6-7, 2:2-4 reading these verses it easy to see how they could misunderstand what Jesus was saying and in some ways even become frustrated with Him for not living up to their expectations based on scriptural prophecy

Even as He was fulfilling much of what the Messiah was supposed to do He was prophesying and clarifying the future events that would complete the OT’s prophecies concerning the messiah’s establishment of the righteous government and righteous rule and Kingdom of God.

Mark 1:15 Jesus was speaking of a future event

Why Jesus wasn't more direct… was He messing with them?

Jesus did not go around announcing that He was the Christ.

Luke 4:41 forbade the demons from announcing

Matthew 16:15-16 commanded the disciples to tell no one

Jesus didn’t deny that He was the Christ/Messiah either

Matthew 11:2-6

John 4:25-26

John 1:41-50

Jesus privately on occasion accepted the titles "Messiah" and "Son of God," but publicly He avoided such honors. WHY? Perhaps it’s because what He would have intended by these titles and the way in which the Jews would have taken them were two different things. Jesus couldn't deny who He was nor what He intended to do, but He was careful to separate His present purpose (suffering, sacrifice, atonement for sin) from the future coming of the Kingdom. He did not want people to get wrong ideas His purpose and His mission.

Luke 20:1-26

Jesus understood what His people were looking for in a Messiah. It's probably partially for that reason that He usually refrained from claiming the title for Himself and discouraged others from using it. To fulfill the mission of His first coming, He did not want to spark a popular uprising of Jews anxious to establish their own independent kingdom against the despised Roman rule at that time.

Moreover, had Jesus proclaimed Himself as the Messiah, it would have provoked an immediate confrontation between Himself and the Jewish and Roman authorities, thereby bringing about His execution prematurely. Yet when it was time, Jesus affirmed to both the Jewish and Roman authorities that this was who He was.

What did Jesus say about the King part of the Messiah package?

Mark 14:55-64 They asked Jesus, He gave an honest answer, they condemned Him

To the Jew Christ/Messiah meant virtually the same thing as KING. But what about the non-Jew?

Luke 23:2 they made the connection Messiah=King so the Gentile Pilate would understand and they hoped, see Jesus as a political threat to the Roman government.

Pilate, concerned about this allegation, asked Jesus about the charge. John 18:29-38

Pilate impression was that Caesar's kingdom was under no threat from Jesus. Yet, in the end, the Jews convinced Pilate to have Him executed on the grounds that He claimed to be king John 19:12

After having ordered Jesus to be scourged, Pilate brought Him out to the crowd John 19:14-15

Pilate even had the title "King of the Jews" placed above Jesus' head as He was crucified verse 19-22

They didn't recognize their own King.

Matthew 23:29-32… 37-39

Is Jesus Kingship just an analogy... symbolic of some inner spirituality or is it REAL?

Does Jesus rule just mean that He rules in your heart or your mind? (that is if you’ll even let Him)

Or will the Messiah rule the nations? (whether the agree to it or not)

Jesus plainly told Pilate His Kingdom was not then, not there. It would not be one of the kingdoms of this present world—of this present age of man. But there is a future age coming, in which His Kingdom will be established on the earth to rule all nations.

Jesus taught that the present age (the time of man’s rebellion against God) was going to end. And God allows it. For an allotted time God has let, and will let man choose his own course… to invent false gods… to let Satan the “god of this present age” whisper in His ear.

Matt 8:28-29 the demons know their time of influence, “this present age” is limited. But the vast multitude of humanity walk along as if in a daydream, they seem to have no idea. Even though the God family has sent messengers to them to warn them… even sending Jesus, God in the flesh.

Matt 24:3 some people get it… those who hear the calling and who respond in faith

I Thess 5:1-9

What is the purpose of Jesus prophecies?

Many of the prophecies concerning the Messiah, His suffering, His role in redeeming mankind from the penalty of sin were fulfilled in Jesus life in the flesh. And these are a testimony to the internal authority and truth of the scriptures in human history. They have been backed up by the testimony of eyewitnesses who were willing to die so the truth could be heard

The future prophecies of the Messiah stand as a warning to mankind.

To those who believe… Jesus warning message is a powerful motivator for overcoming sin, building the mind of Christ, developing the fruits of the spirit and doing the goods works that God has set out for us to do… and to join Jesus and help Him rule when the Kingdom of God is established on earth.

To those who choose to disbelieve… it will serve as fair warning. God has not done these things in secret and He is justified in what He is going to do regarding both punishment and judgment upon this evil age.

The institution of God’s rule on earth through Jesus Messiah along with the first fruits will allow those mankind to compare and contrast… and to choose. To compare and contract fruits of his rebellion the “present evil age” with the fruits of God’s righteous rule on earth. To choose eternal life… or to choose eternal death.

Jesus Second Coming

When Jesus returns the second time there will be no misunderstanding. Rejection is still possible… but misunderstanding no.

Matthew 24:30

Revelation 19:11

This will be the long-awaited coming of the Messiah… a time of righteous rule, justice, mercy, and truth. Not on man’s terms… not on the Pharisee's terms, the terms of the scribes, not on the terms of those who want endless free lunches of fishes and loaves. On God’s terms.

Now is your time to get on board, learn what God is really about, and be a part of it.

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