United Church of God

The Minor Prophets: The Book of Joel

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The Minor Prophets

The Book of Joel

MP3 Audio (34.22 MB)


The Minor Prophets: The Book of Joel

MP3 Audio (34.22 MB)

In the Book of Joel, the Prophet Joel uses a current event, a plague of Locusts, to describe how the Day of the Lord would come upon at that time Judah and Israel. This warning is also applicable to us today and the modern world with the prophesied Day of the Lord or God's Judgement being poured out on the world unless all mankind repents of its sins.

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  • Gary Petty
    Thank you for your comments. I agree that all of us can get so overwhelmed by the immediacy of life that we lose sight of what God is doing. It is then that we can become spiritually complacent. Every once in a while God wakes us up and keep us moving forward.
  • KarahanD
    Live as if it is your last day. It is so easy not to, to think only on physical things and what I own. Thank you Gary for that insightful explanation of the Book of Joel. I have visited the Kidron Valley; it made me think of that battle still to come. But your message has made me meditate on the battles in my life that are here, and may still come, and where my focus should be. So many times I look out of my window and wonder when will it happen as the world continues to turn and I admit I have wondered if it ever will. I feel, that this is one of the battles we face in this world, to keep our hearts on God and Jesus Christ at all times and not to fall into the trap of complacency and apathy.
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