United Church of God

The New Covenant Festival of Unleavened Bread

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The New Covenant Festival of Unleavened Bread

MP3 Audio (27.41 MB)


The New Covenant Festival of Unleavened Bread

MP3 Audio (27.41 MB)

How does the Church of God know what to do and what not to do when observing the festival. Where do we get our New Covenant understanding of the Festival of Unleavened Bread and its spiritual implication for us today?

Sermon Notes

How do we arrive at our New Covenant model for observing the DOULB? How does the Church of God know what to do and what not to do when observing the festival. Where do we get our New Covenant understanding of the Festival of Unleavened Bread and its spiritual implication for us today?

The Model For DOULB Begins in Exodus

In Exodus we learn that the feast is 7 days long and begins on the 15th day of Abib (the day after Passover). The first day is an annual Sabbath on which we do no work and gather for a special assembly before God. The last day is also an annual Sabbath on which we do no work and gather for a special assembly before God. During the entire 7 days we are to have no leaven in our homes, both the agent that causes leavening (yeast) and the resulting leavened product (bread). Instead we are to eat bread without leaven 7 days.

Additional elements to be added when they were settled in the land:
  • set apart the firstborn males of humans or animals as belonging to God Exodus 13:2
  • offer the wave sheaf on the day after the Sabbath that falls during the festival and begin the countdown to Pentecost… seven full weeks – Leviticus 23: 10-12
  • present a special burnt offering to God each of the 7 days - Numbers 28:17-25
  • observed in central location God designates (Shiloh then Jerusalem)… Deuteronomy 16:16
What Was The Spiritual Message Of The Festival for Israel?

Exodus 12:15-17 Recall that Passover was a reminder to Israel of when God passed over them when He struck down all the first born in the land of Egypt (Exodus 12:26-27)… DOULB was a reminder to Israel of God bringing them out of their bondage in Egypt the following day. Eating unleavened bread would remind them each year of how they left in rush to escape their terrible oppression in Egypt.

The Model For The New Covenant Festival

Similar to what we saw with the Passover observance some elements of the DOULB are no longer included because of the coming of the Christ/Messiah. Here’s what changed and why:

  • The special burnt offerings are no longer necessary. The blood of bulls and goats which only looked forward anticipating the future sacrificial death of Jesus Christ are no longer necessary. His sacrifice only needed to happen once and it was sufficient for all people and for all time.
  • In the same way the symbolic wave sheaf is not longer offered… Christ the true sheaf from the early harvest (the first resurrection) has been presented to God the Father.
  • Observance is no longer limited to in Jerusalem… the nation of Israel has ceased to be the chosen people of God and is replaced by the church which has no actual territory but is like a seasoning sprinkled throughout various nations and territories

What remains is the dates, the unleavened bread, and the removal of yeast. The spiritual meaning of the festival is no longer a memorial of God leading Israel out of Egypt… the meaning of the Festival today is for the Church… the Church of God.

What is the Spiritual Message Of The Festival For Us Today?

Our New Covenant application and spiritual understanding of the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins with Paul’s letter to Corinth. There we hear the Church of God teaching the linkage between putting leavening or yeast out of our homes and our need to put evil thoughts and deeds out of our lives. AND It’s there we get our first understanding of how eating unleavened bread reminds the Church of our need to have Christ in us… replacing what is evil with what is good.

1 Corinthians 5:2-8 Paul chews the Corinthians out regarding their puffed up pride in the matter of a man among them having sex with his step-mother. Instead of reacting with outrage, or righteous indignation, and shunning him the Corinthian congregation were proud… or puffed up and boasting.

The word translated puffed up is from the Greek word phusioo. It means: to blow up or inflate with air… it comes from the word for what we today would call an air pump.

Paul previously warned them not to think of the teachers of God’s in a competitive way but as fellow servants working together 1 Corinthians 4:6…. he tells them not to be puffed up with pride over one another. If the Corinthians didn’t stop this useless boasting Paul warned of sterner measures against those who were puffed up  1 Corinthians 4:18-19.

Public speaking was a primary source of entertainment in those days before television and movies. The average person took great delight in knowing and appreciating the finer points of giving an eloquent speech… they had their favorites… their rivalries… and were quite vocal about their preferences… just like fans of movie stars and athletes today… I follow Paul… I follow Apollos… I follow Peter (keep pounding)

What were they boasting about in 1 Cor 5?

Paul does not explicitly say what proud statements were made here but a very possible clue is found in 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20

  1. The idea that sex is a natural appetite meant to be satisfied
  2. The idea that the sins of the body do not affect the life of the spirit

Both of these assumptions are alive today… and they are still as wrong today as they were then.

I propose they badly misunderstood what it meant to be freed from the penalty of the law and living in the grace of God… perhaps seeing themselves as free from all subsequent moral obligations… such as walking in God’s commandments. Their reaction to this man’s incestuous fornication was to not judge him. They were perhaps proud of what they assumed was God-like patience and forgiveness towards another member… but forgiveness is not effective/useful for the forgiven unless they [forgiven] are brought to their senses and change their behavior. Paul says… yeah judge him, and kick him out to boot…. maybe that will bring him to repentance and end up doing him some good in the end (verse 5).

This Must Have Happened Around DOULB

1 Corinthians 5:6-8 in the same context of him criticizing the evil behavior and their foolish pride based on a misunderstanding of doctrine Paul brings up yeast, bread dough, and the process of leavening. It's a metaphor to drive home a point about how sin spreads. He’s saying don’t let sin take root in the congregation… don’t let sin take root in your life. It may start off small but like yeast, it will grow and start to take over your entire life.

BUT Paul is also clearly demonstrating that a new understanding of the spiritual understanding of the Festival was being used in the church… the ritual act of putting out leaven reminds us of the spiritual necessity to put out sin and evil.

The Process of Leavening

Leavening is the process of adding gas to a dough before or during baking to produce a lighter, more easily chewed bread. Many breads use yeast as the primary leavening agent (others include baking powder & baking soda). The yeast will grow and divide and spread through the lump of bread dough. In the process of dividing the yeast ferments some of the carbohydrates in the flour, along with the sugar, producing carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide creates the little bubbles you see in leavened bread causing the original lump of dough to expand… in other words, the dough gets puffed up.

Were Puffed Up With Pride

What problem is Paul getting at when he’s talking about something starting off small and then infiltrating and eventually taking over? As bad as the gross sexual problem may appear Paul zeroes in on their proud boasting… their false ideas about what it means to be redeemed from the penalty of the law and live in the grace of God… and how to deal with sin in their midst. Giving sin a free pass is not what Christ our Passover lamb died for.

In verse 8 Paul teaches this non-Jewish group of believers, people who God had called out of the Greek world with all its idolatry … saying “let us keep the feast [feast of unleavened bread]…

Paul has taught Greek converts… New Covenant followers of Christ…  to observe this holy celebration ordained by God. AND he’s using its symbols and commanded method of observance [eating only unleavened bread instead of leavened] to teach them spiritual truths about dealing with sin… let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth.

The Church of God is not just making this stuff up to provide Christian sounding reasons for keeping some old covenant festival that doesn’t belong in the new covenant. Its there.

Cautionary Note About Avoiding Sin

1 Corinthians 6: 9-13 Paul quickly makes a clarification (an important one for us to remember while we are so focused on putting out sin and evil from out lives)… the world is full of immorality, injustice, and false religious teaching. You cannot avoid interacting with these unless you physically isolate yourself from the world… a solution NOT promoted in scripture. Coming out of, or separating yourself from the world is more a matter of mind and spirit [but that’s another subject].

The scriptural model for coming out of the world is to join the body of Christ, to join the community of fellow believers as an alternative to fellowship with the world… and as a place to work out your salvation… not in splendid isolation but in the social setting God has established.

Where Would Paul Get Such Spiritual Understanding About DOULB?

Where would Paul get this teaching… the idea of putting out leavening as a physical rite we perform to remind us of a spiritual truth… putting out evil and sin. It doesn’t come from the pages of the Old Testament scripture… and he clearly had taught just that to the Gentiles of Corinth. He mentions it in verses 6-8 as an obvious truth both he and the members in Corinth share and agree upon. Otherwise, they really wouldn’t understand what he was saying to them.

The source of this teaching is within the words of Jesus Christ...

The Bread of Sincerity & Truth

John 6:4… either during or immediately before the DOULB Jesus delivers a “sermon” providing understanding about the meaning of His body and bread

John 6:27 food/bread sustains you only until your next meal… what Jesus offers will sustain you permanently (eternal life)… 6:32-356:48-51, 55-56. We are to feed on that bread of sincerity and truth meaning we are to put Christ’s life in us… His mind, His pattern of living.

 Q: Did Jesus specifically makes all these references to bread as being “unleavened bread”. A: No, but consider the occasion… right before or during the feast days. AND, at a later point Jesus did emphatically associated His body with the unleavened bread during the NT Passover… we covered that thoroughly in my last sermon.

The Old Yeast of Malice and Wickedness

Matt 16: 6, 11-12 On this same occasion… right after the feeding of the 5,000 and therefore immediately before or during the DOULB…  Jesus warns the disciples about the evil and false teachings of the Pharisees and Saducees. Jesus specifically calls their false teaching yeast or leavening…

Luke 12:1 Jesus makes that same statement on a different occasion… this time in a crowd of 10,000 people or more… right after painfully itemizing the hypocrisy and evil of the Pharisees teaching.

Luke 11:37-52. Their teachings are filled with hypocrisy, oppression, violence, doctrinal confusion and filled with pride… or as Paul might have said “puffed up” with pride.

Our understanding of what leaven represents and what putting it out of our homes and lives during the Feast of Unleavened Bread is built upon the words of Jesus Christ and the apostles.

The Festival of Unleavened Bread remains for the followers of Christ… this year we will put leaven out of our homes from the 15th of Abib and keep it out for the next 7 days. We do it as a spiritual exercise of remembrance. A reminder not just of something God our Father has done… but what He is doing.

Delivering us from evil.

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