United Church of God

The Not Love Time Machine

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The Not Love Time Machine

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The Not Love Time Machine

MP3 Audio (8.12 MB)

Visiting speaker, Doug Collison, explains the dangers of dwelling on our past sins that have been forgiven by God and the importance of forgiving others as God has forgiven us.

Sermon Notes

A common theme in science fiction is a do-over.  People think if they could have one more chance, their life would be completely different.

We also have the ability to time travel.  We can travel to the past in a blink of an eye.  We time travel by the most wondrous device that everyone has access to.

Let’s journey to our portable past using our memories.  Think of the worse sin you’ve committed.

1 Cor. 6:9 → The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Was our memory included in this list? How do we feel about it?  Shame, sadness, and regret?  Those feelings are normal when we realize those things are wrong.  What is not normal is to constantly dredge up the past and feel the same feeling over and over again.  The key phrase is that we WERE those things, but can move past them.

We were washed, sanctified, and made clean of these sins.  It is not good to return and relive those experiences.

Prov. 26:11 → As a dog returns to vomit, a fool repeats it’s folly.  How does revisiting the sins of our past stifle our Christian growth.

2 Pet. 1:3-8 → We were not the people we once were.  We have been called out of the path of destruction.  These qualities are from the spirit of God.

Peter says that not recognizing that our past sins are forgiven is a major stumbling block in our Christian growth.

Acts 22:3

Paul said he persecuted Christians and put them to death.  How easy would it have been for Paul to dwell on this, but Paul did not take that trip.

Phil. 3:5 → Forget those things that are behind and reach for those things ahead.  Paul knew he wasn’t perfect, but he knew to move forward from the past.

God has moved on and forgiven us.

What is another trip that is destructive?

We’ll travel to the past again, this time let’s think about the worst sin that someone committed to us.

This trip can feel satisfying - it brings resentment and anger.  But, it is a trip that we should not be taking - it helps nothing.  We have never forgiven the offender.

Mark 11: → Forgive has the Father forgives you.

Forgiveness is at the heart of our faith.  We have to have a godly forgiveness which comes from the spirit of God.

Heb. 8:10 → I will put the laws in the mind and heart.  When we enter the New Covenant, he put the spirit within our hearts and forgives us.

If God forgives when we sin against Him, shouldn’t we be like Him.  We aren’t perfect, but we have to forgive.  We shouldn’t dwell on problems from our childhood, or an insensitive remark from a church member.

When God forgives us, we become unified with God.  Letting go is essential to our Christian growth.

Heb. 9:26

Eph. 4:31-32

Christ died so that we could stop living

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