United Church of God

The Plagues Upon Egypt

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The Plagues Upon Egypt

MP3 Audio (43.19 MB)
Chart of Plagues (125.59 KB)


The Plagues Upon Egypt

MP3 Audio (43.19 MB)
Chart of Plagues (125.59 KB)

Pharaoh had been warned that this confrontation would lead all the way up to the death of every Egyptian firstborn son... unless he humbled himself and submitted to YHWH. Each successive plague would be an increasingly intense warning of impending death.

PDF of chart used in presentation https://www.ucg.org/system/storage/serve/1581091/slide3_0.jpg


The Plagues Upon Egypt

Exodus 7:1-4 Moses and Aaron enter into negotiations with Pharaoh for the release of Israel triggering a series of plagues that increase in intensity each time the Pharaoh refuses to let Israel go.

First An Easy Sign

Exodus 7:8-13 Snake charming was a common trick in Egypt. Starting negotiations this way seems trivial compared to what is to come. However, God was giving Pharaoh a sign that was easy to dismiss... My magicians can do likewise, so why should I listen to you?... in this way God made it easier for Pharaoh to harden his heart. Because refusing God on minor things makes it easier to refuse God on more important matters.

We do not hear what Moses and Aaron say. Presumably they said what God had told them Exodus 4:23

Introducing the Plagues

Pharaoh had been warned that this confrontation would lead all the way up to the death of every Egyptian firstborn son... unless he humbled himself and submitted to YHWH. Each successive plague would be an increasingly intense warning of impending death.

The plagues also functioned as a message on other levels: nature/authority/power

Egyptians had a pantheist outlook... to them the divine presence was in the trees, within the animals, the crops, the river, the sun etc.... they worshiped and served created things, oblivious to the one who created all things. The plagues introduce them to YHWH who is master over all nature.

He is not in nature or a personification of natural forces like rain or sex... He exists outside of nature, able to command it and control it. The plagues make this distinction clear.

In our day we have a slightly different, but equally flawed view of nature. Evolutionary philosophy presents humans as merely part of nature… a deceptive half truth. Yes we part of nature but we are more than that. We are dust but there is also a spiritual component placed within us.

In this way God created humans in His own image. Like Him we are designed and ordained to exercise control and mastery over nature. Like Him, we are set apart from nature because there is a spirit placed in man. There are aspects to human beings that are simply beyond explanations offered by nature. Teaching and believing humans are brought about by natural processes alone leads to all sorts of destructive, perverse, and oppressive behavior.

The plagues upon Egypt were natural phenomena that afflicted the land from time to time... an observation pointed out by skeptics. However, these natural forces are raised to the level of miracle by God because: 1) they begin and end at Moses public command 2) they come in quick succession, sometimes out of season 3) they come with unprecedented intensity.

The plagues also demonstrate YHWH's power and authority to judge and punish. For now... we do not experience that judgment and punishment. God does not intervene in every dispute of right vs. wrong. He does not punish every murder or overturn every oppression... as beings given dominion over the earth that is our responsibility... for now. Christ’s return will usher in a new age when He and the resurrected first fruits will see that God’s will is done on earth.

What God does for Israel offers a foretaste of what lays ahead for all humanity. There will be judgment, punishment, vengeance for crimes committed… AND… there will be redemption, freedom from bondage, and His will shall be done on earth.

1st Plague - Death of the Nile

Exodus 7:14-18 Pharaoh would be coming down to the river to pay homage to the sacred life giving river. His refusal of God's demand triggers a punishment. Moses strikes the river with his staff to show that the river turned to blood by decree not natural causes. Each plague has some sign of decree [chart].

Exodus 7:22-23 once again the magicians are able to replicate the miracle. What they did wasn't on the scale of what Moses did but it allowed Pharaoh to dismiss what he saw as simply more trickery. HIs heart was hardened.

For seven days the great life giving river smelled like death… 1st portend of the final plague of death.

2nd Plague - Frogs Everywhere

Exodus 8:1-7 frogs were a symbol of fertility and birth to the Egyptians [the goddess Hekt often portrayed as a midwife]. Frogs were sacred to Egyptians and they were not supposed to kill them. It would be hard to avoid crushing frogs underfoot when they were everywhere... this would be most distressing the Egyptian people.

Exodus 8:8-10 Pharaoh now acknowledges YHWH as a genuine God and asks Moses to intercede for him and the people. Moses has Pharaoh pick the time to show this was by YHWH's decree not coincidence.

The frogs died and had to be piled in heaps once again stinking of death. The message.... I [YHWH] can affect your life cycle, I can reach into your homes and every corner of your life. I am the power of life... and of death.

The crisis has passes, Pharaoh hardens his heart again and goes back on his word to release Israel.

3rd Plague - Lice on Your Bodies

Next, lice are unleashed without any warning or audience with the Pharaoh.  Exodus 8:19they admit "this is from the hand of a god". But Pharaoh's heart was still hard.

Lice infest your clothes, your hair, and crawl all over your skin. Message: God affected your lands and river, invade your homes kitchens and bedrooms, He can touch your very person.

4th Plague - Flies Damage the Land

Exodus 8:24 The first set of three plagues were annoying and unpleasant. The next three plagues would introduce actual damage.

Exodus 8:22-23 from this point on God decrees a separation between the Egyptians and His chosen people... the punishments will not come upon God’s people ... it is a foreshadow of the 10th plague... "the firstborn of my people will not be subject to death".

Exodus 8:25-29 Pharaoh agrees but wants to dictate his own terms. He says "you can just worship your God here". Moses replies our worship and service to YHWH is incompatible with Egyptian religion and will lead to violence [But Egyptians regarded sheep and rams as sacred and killing them was not allowed]. True worship and service to God cannot be mixed with pagan scruples… true today as well.

Pharaoh caves, but tries to dictate terms by saying "don't go far". The flies disappear… Pharaoh hardens his heart.  

5th Plague - Death of Your Livestock

God takes no pleasure in destroying life, but He wants everyone to know choices have consequences. They have been told about the ultimate punishment of death on the firstborn and they are being warned that based on their choices its coming their way.

 The  Egyptians would have a closer connection to animals of the herd than wild animals like fish or frogs. So, death comes a little closer… more personal… more intense to them.

Exodus 9:7 Pharaoh verifies that the herds of Israel are not afflicted… but his heart is hard.

6th Plague - Boils on Your Flesh

Like the third plague of lice-that ended the first set of three… the sixth plague of boils that ends the second set… shows God can bring damage and pain to their own flesh. Likewise, no warning is given for either of these plagues. Perhaps indicating that when punishment and death come to our own flesh it is too late for warnings.

Exodus 9:11-12 the magicians are also afflicted and Egyptian religion admits defeat. Also, For the first time we read “God hardens Pharaoh's heart” after the plague is lifted.

A more common way to translate this Hebrew word would be strengthen. Thus, "God made Pharaoh's heart strong". ie. strengthening his resolve to resist.

This same word is used in a positive way Psalm 27:14.

Also when God says to Moses or Joshua "be strong and have courage for I am with you" this is the word used. Conclusion: God can strengthen you but you still have decide to move forward. Pharaoh is the one who chose to apply this strength of will and resolve in an evil direction.

7th Plague - Hail and an Offer of Shelter

Exodus 9:13-15 your stubbornness is causing the stakes to increase and we are moving towards a terrible conclusion. Can't you see I could have killed you all by now if I wanted to?

At the outset YHWH had warned Pharaoh that He would go so far as to claim the life Pharaoh's own first born son. Each escalation has moved in that direction... now, with this plague human lives are at stake. Verse 14 tells us God is doing this as a warning to all humanity... do no resist Me.

Exodus 9:16-21 humans will die in this plague but they don't have to. The Egyptians are given the option to escape death if they humble themselves and take shelter. Another foreshadowing of the final plague of death upon the firstborn... And it sets up the message of the Passover; you can avoid the punishment of death if you come under the blood of the lamb.

Exodus 9:25-28 Pharaoh knows he has sinned... he knows Egypt is in the wrong. Some are driven by affliction to acknowledge God and seek shelter... which is good... but do they change?

Exodus 9:33-35 Moses intercedes for Pharaoh as requested... but when the danger is passed Pharaoh hardens his heart and will not obey. He does not change.

8th Plague - Locusts Complete Destruction

Exodus 10:3-6 each plague is point toward the final plague which is death. The locusts will destroy what little is left so the destruction and desolation will be complete and total.

Humans have a lot of silly notions about death... "they're not really dead/dead, their immortal soul has passed on to a better place... heaven, vallhalah, nirvana [or maybe a bad place like hell]. But the scriptures tell us that death is permanent unless you are resurrected… that everlasting life is a gift only God can grant. And the second death is permanent and compete with no hope of resurrection.

Exodus 10:7-11 Pharaoh knows he is in the wrong... knows he must yield to God... but he still tries to dictate the terms of his own surrender. When he doesn't get what he wants he breaks off negotiations rather than do what he knows he must. So, the plague is unleashed.

Exodus 10:16-17 Pharaoh knows he is wrong but his will to resist is strong... he begs Moses to intercede for him... Moses intercedes and the locusts are gone… even after begging for… and receiving mercy Pharaoh’s heart is hardened. He will not let them go.

9th Plague - Darkness

Above all elements of nature the Egyptians worshiped the sun. Alongside the river the mighty sun powered life. What they missed was that YHWH powers the sun.

This plague marks the end of the third set of three and like the 3rd and the 6th… comes without warning.

Its a fitting harbinger of the final plague of death. Everyone in the ancient world understood death as the final darkness Job 10:21-22. 3 days with nothing to do but think about what was coming... the promise of death built into the first proclamation of Moses.

Exodus 10:23 darkness is for those who are without YHWH. The people of God have light. Matthew 4:13-17 once more this Passover you will remember the light of God that has come upon you who were once under the shadow of death.

Exodus 10:21-26 after three days Pharaoh is ready to negotiate again and he still tries to inject some stipulations that would require the Israelites to come back. Moses won't budge.

Exodus 10:27-29 Pharaoh rashly terminates all further negotiations... even issuing a death threat to Moses if he ever shows up in court again.

Before he leaves Moses pronounces the final plague… the death of the firstborn.   

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