United Church of God

The Poisonous Root of Bitterness

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The Poisonous Root of Bitterness

MP3 Audio (30.55 MB)


The Poisonous Root of Bitterness

MP3 Audio (30.55 MB)

"In Hebrews 12:14-15 we're told the following, ""Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;"" (emphasis mine). This sermon provides some biblical antidotes to the poisonous root of bitterness as follows: 1. Forgiveness is a powerful antidote to the deadly poison, the root of bitterness! If you been betrayed, forgive and heal! Pray to God and ask Him to help you forgive, and He will! 2. Repentance is another vital antidote you need for rooting out the poisonous root of bitterness. Ask God to forgive you for your root of bitterness and help you to overcome it! 3. Another powerful antidote is humility. Follow Jesus Christ’s example of humility and His instructions to be humble, and you will not suffer from the poisonous root of bitterness known as jealousy and envy. 4. The love of God antidote conquers the poisonous root of bitterness that can consume a person’s lifetime with grudges and malice. Seek God and ask Him to help you love as He loves you! 5. You must trust God. Trusting God is a powerful antidote to the poisonous root of bitterness. 6. Submit to God’s will. Put God’s will first in your life, and you will root out any poisonous root of bitterness within you.

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