United Church of God

The Restless God's Restless Interest in You

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The Restless God's Restless Interest In You

MP3 Audio (24.26 MB)


The Restless God's Restless Interest in You

MP3 Audio (24.26 MB)

At times even people of faith can feel that God has fallen asleep at the switch regarding His promises to humanity or to themselves, personally. This message centers on God's self-disclosure in Isaiah 62:1 - that "I will not rest" until His purpose and promises are fulfilled. It illuminates how God "works loudly" behind the scenes even when all appears "quiet" on the stage of life.

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  • Laramie
    Thank you from Ohio!! I listened to this while on the bike trail. Had to keep stopping and jot down notes here on my phone pad. I really needed these words today!!
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