United Church of God

The Seventy Weeks Prophecy, Part 4

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The Seventy Weeks Prophecy, Part 4

MP3 Audio (39.16 MB)
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The Seventy Weeks Prophecy, Part 4

MP3 Audio (39.16 MB)
70_weeks_-_2022 (369.21 KB)

In Part 4 of the 70 Weeks Prophecy Series, we'll closely examine three interesting points found in Daniel 9:25.

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  • Mike Haynes
    It would seem that 69 1/2 weeks of the 70 weeks have been accounted for. That leaves 1/2 week to yet be fulfilled. I reckon the question now is when will that take place? Using the day for a year principle, used throughout the explanation of the 70 week prophecy, we should have a remaining 3 1/2 years yet to be fulfilled. Does scripture place significance on any 3 1/2 year period? The only such significance I know of is what we have come to label as the Great Tribulation. It is in that period that God's true temple will eventually be restored. A temple that is presently in a state of division. Then and only then can God's promise in Daniel 9:24 be fulfilled. The book of Haggai reveals a great deal on how this will eventually come about as well as the present state of that spiritual temple. The temple (church) must be rebuilt (united) before the promise can be fulfilled and God's kingdom can be ushered in and Christ reign on earth can begin. We therefore play an important role in that happening as Peter admonishes us (2 pet 3:12). Emphasis on the word hastening which suggest that we have a key role in the coming of that day.
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