United Church of God

The Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy Against the Spirit

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The Unpardonable Sin

Blasphemy Against the Spirit

MP3 Audio (18.42 MB)


The Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy Against the Spirit

MP3 Audio (18.42 MB)

What is blasphemy against the Spirit? What can we do to avoid it? What are some "land mines" to avoid?

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  • Stephen Racz
    An interesting sermon but we do need to be careful here as quenching the Spirit or grieving the Spirit is not the same as blaspheming it. I wish the speaker had taken the trouble to impress on the listener that the blasphemy of the Spirit addressed in the Gospels is in fact an attitude and the expression of it (as supported by the context in Matt 12 and from the original Greek)and not an isolated act which appears to have come across in the sermon. However the sermon did a good job about warning us of defiling our conscience or having a dead one whereby it is no longer possible for the Spirit to bring to repentance. We also need to be mindful of an uneducated conscience which is not grounded in the word of God. The bottom line is that we can bring our consciences into tune with God provided we repent even after a pattern of deliberate sins provided repented of. I think the deliberately and willful sinning here in Hebrews may be taken somewhat out of context as it really refers to turning our back on Christ and our calling and done so deliberately. Please lets remember that God forgives every sin willful, deliberate or otherwise provided its truly repented of.
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