United Church of God

The Way of Cain, The Error of Balaam, and the Controversy of Korah

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The Way of Cain, The Error of Balaam, and the Controversy of Korah

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The Way of Cain, The Error of Balaam, and the Controversy of Korah

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Throughout his letter Jude warns the Church about some people who were part of the Church but were teaching and promoting false ideas that had the potential to lead a lot of people astray. Previously we looked at how to combat their false ideas. Today we will look at Jude’s warnings from another angle: identifying the characteristics of those who lead others into sin and error.


Throughout his letter Jude warns the Church about some people who were part of the Church but were teaching and promoting false ideas that had the potential to lead a lot of people astray.

These false teachers questioned the reality of permanent destruction for those who disobeyed God. They also twisted the grace, mercy and patience of God such that it became a green light for all sorts of immorality. I covered how to identify and combat false ideas like these in a previous message I gave on “the faith once delivered”.

Today we will look at Jude’s warnings from another angle: identifying the characteristics of those who lead others into sin and error.

in verses 5-7 Jude provided three examples witnessing to the sureness of God’s judgment on sin… God judged and destroyed sinners among the chosen people… He judged and destroyed angelic beings when they sinned… He judged and destroyed the people of Sodom as an example of punishment by eternal fire. This is an obvious response by Jude to any claims that God does not intend to judge people for immorality and disbelief.

But what about those who actively lead others into sin and error?

Jude 1:11 Jude gives three biblical examples of those who lead others into sin; Cain, Balaam, and Korah. 

The Way of Cain

Both Cain and Abel were acting in a religious way. Both came before God with sacrifice. Abel’s sacrifice was accepted by God but Cain’s was not.

Cain brought unacceptable sacrifice before God. We can infer that Cain had received instruction on how to sacrifice, but he didn’t do it the way he was instructed. God told Cain that if he did what was right he would be accepted.  But Cain wanted to approach God his own way.

Part of the “way of Cain” is wanting to have a relationship with God… BUT wanting it on your own terms.  Over the years I have been puzzled by how many people I see coming to God’s Church… wanting what it has… wanting to be part of it… but wanting to change the Church to suit their own tastes. To enjoy the good things the Church has to offer but wanting it on their own terms.

False religion is coming before God, not as pleases Him, or as He instructs, but approaching according to our own ideas. For example, God sets the day, the times and seasons… but everyone wants to come before God how they see fit.

Cain also goes down in history as the first human murderer, and an unrepentant one as well. To punish Cain for killing Abel, God cursed and drove Cain from the ground. Now it which would no longer yield crops for him. His life as a farmer was over… he would be a restless wanderer earning his living through commerce, notably blacksmithing.

The way of Cain is also the way of violence. His great grandson Lamech typifies the violence, vengeance, and bloodshed that led to the flood. Cain appears to have passed on his idea that the way to resolve conflict was through violence and revenge.

1 John 3:12 Jude says the false teachers within the Church had taken "the way of Cain"... their teachings are not of God they are evil.

Jude 1:12 These certain individuals  wanted what the church had… they were there at the festivals. But they also wanted the church to change to suit them.  Instead of trying to rid their lives of impurity they were trying to get the Church to change…  and accept their take on grace, mercy, and judgment… presumably so they could continue to enjoy sensual pleasures but still partake in the hope of eternal life.

The Church was at risk of being corrupted by them: in deceptive and false teaching about God's grace, and in the immoral behavior and disobedience it would lead to.

God's grace, mercy, and patience are how we as sinful people can move forward and have any expectation of a positive, eternal future. Obedience, to law, to commandments, is how people who have received God's grace, mercy and patience should live.  

1 John 3:4-8 if you have been saved because of the grace of God... you will stop breaking God's commandments.

1 John 3:11-13 if you teach, believe and practise obedience to God's law, don't be surprised if people hate you, teach against you, make trouble for you.

1John 3:19-24 you can have confidence you are on the right path... not the way of Cain... if you obey God's commands, believe in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and are led by His spirit.

The Error of Balaam

Balaam is a confusing, ambiguous person for most people. God deigned to speak through him, yet Balaam practiced divination in the service of idol worshipers.

The account of Balaam is about 4 pages long so I'm only going to give you the highlights:

The king of Moab was afraid of Israel. He saw the mass of people coming out of the wilderness… approaching the border… and He wanted to protect himself from them. This king [Balak] offered to pay the sorcerer Balaam for a divination. He wanted Balaam to pronounce a curse upon Israel. Presumably one of the occult services Balaam offered Numbers 22:4-7.

Balaam inquires of YHWH who tells him, "No, send these men away. Don't go". Then the King's messengers offer Balaam great riches for his service. Balaam thinks about it and answers, "YHWH says no... but stay here for the night and I'll inquire of YHWH again".

Here is Balaam's error... eager to speak what people want to hear… in pursuit of money.

This time YHWH say, "ok, go with them. But, only do what I tell you".

Next comes the well known scene where an angel of YHWH blocks his way. Balaam's donkey can see the angel but Balaam can’t. The donkey tries to turn away three times but Balaam whips the donkey to keep Him going. Finally, the donkey is allowed to speak and Balaam now sees the angel.

The angel of YHWH says "I'm trying to stop you from the reckless path you are taking".

Balaam says "ok, I won't go then". The angel then says "go on with the men of Moab, but only say what I tell you". God is going to use Balaam to pronounce a public blessing on Israel before the king of Moab.

Balaam travels on and meets up with the king of Moab. They climb up a mountain where they can look over the vast encampment of Israel.

They build altars, and burn sacrifices. Then God meets with Balaam and tells him to pronounce a great blessing on Israel. The king of Moab is angered. Balaam says, "I told you I would only say what YHWH tells me to say". They repeat the process two more times hoping for a different outcome, but each time its another blessing.

Numbers 24:10-14 Balaam has missed out on the great riches. He gives 4 short prophecies then goes home. Seems like Balaam’s error is pretty minor so far… but there is more!

Immediately afterwards we read that the Moabites figured out how to bring a curse upon Israel... get them to disobey YHWH by worshiping idols and committing sexual immorality. So, they send all their pretty women to seduce the men of Israel. You can imagine how it goes…

"hey baby, all this can be yours... but first a little offering to Molech" The plan works to a degree. The sex and idolatry creates havoc in the camp as God's wrath pours out upon them...24,000 people die of plague... then zealous Phineas runs a spear through two of the ringleaders... Zimri and Kozbi and it comes to a stop. All the perpetrators are executed.

Where did Moab get this brilliant idea? They got it from Balaam.

Numbers 31:16 Balaam advised the king of Moab that the only way to get YHWH to turn against Israel was to entice Israel into disobedience and covenant unfaithfulness against YHWH. Then gave them the plan to do it using their own daughters as bait.

Balaam was not able to bring YHWH’s curse upon Israel but he knew how to get Israel to bring YHWH’s curse upon themselves. Presumably Balaam got his desired divination fee for this piece of advice.

Verse 8 Israel executes Balaam.

The error of Balaam Jude is writing about is to alter and manipulate what you speak and teach based on the reward it generates… that could be money… or in this case sex. I think its fair to assume the  false teachers of Jude were pandering to a segment of the congregation... telling them what they wanted to hear for the sake of reward.

At that time travelling teachers relied upon the local congregation for their income which could create conflict of interest  Romans 16:17-18, 1 Timothy 6:5, Titus 1:11, In ancient times it was expected behavior… such that Paul had to argue “this is not what I am doing here” 1 Thess 2:3-5, 2 Thess 3:8, Tit 1:7, 1 Peter 5:2.

We had a major crisis in the 90's where many in the ministry were willing to give up the truth that brought them to repentance... and exchange it for falsehoods... so they wouldn't lose their paycheck. Be thankful that some of the ministry [most of whom are now retired] valued the truth more than their paycheck. God worked though them to keep the Church alive.

When  searching for motives... wondering what's happening behind the scenes... consider the money.

Revelation 2:14 warning about the the teachings of Balaam is part of Christ’s warning to the Church… and it is specifically linked to teachings that lead to, promote, or excuse, or legitimize sexual immorality.

Life would be so much easier if the Church would just loosen up a little… but would it be the truth? Or would it simple be what we want to hear.

The Controversy of Korah

Korah’s story is about a person who stirs up controversy to gain status and position. To describe the actions of Korah Jude uses the word anti-logia. To speak against, to gainsay, deny.

Imagine a person teaching something like, “Christ is coming back”… then a person stands up and shouts “No he isn’t, that’s just absurd”. That’s an anti-logia, a denial, a gainsaying… It does not have to be a thoughtful reasoned statement to have its desired effect… it sows doubt, it creates controversy where formerly there was none. And where there is controversy there is a chance to make a name for yourself.

Numbers 16:1-7 Korah lead a gang of levites and other community leaders who challenged the authority of Moses and the priesthood of Aaron. In doing so, they actually challenged the authority God to ordain leaders and teachers. 

Korah's argument is that everyone in the community is holy so why should anyone be appointed to special tasks and duties. Specifically he was referring to Moses and Aaron.

Numbers 16:8-11 Moses interpreted Korah's words to be a gambit for the status of priesthood. All thees men were already leaders… but they didn’t want anyone over them [hypocritical].

To settle the matter, Moses proposes a test... lets all do something reserved for priests only and see who God accepts. He proposes the offering of incense before YHWH at the door of the tent of meeting.

The rebels show up at the door of the tabernacle with their censers of incense... Moses warns everyone to stand away from these men and the earth opens up and swallows Korah and his cohorts. YHWH was going to destroy everyone but Moses interceded so that only the ringleaders were destroyed. Bottom line, YHWH affirms He has appointed the family of Aaron as priests.

Were the false teachers of Jude’s day positioning themselves as leaders in the community on the same level as the ordained ministry?

There are many people in the every congregation who are capable, competent, and bible smart. This can sometimes lead to contempt for the person who is ordained to the leadership role… a quick dismissal of everything they say.

Jude 1:8, 12 Jude says they showed up at the feast days presuming they had every right to be there, they criticized, they complained, they mocked. A person displaying this sort of behavior is someone to be wary of… they can lead you into all sorts of trouble.


Beware of people who want to be a part of God’s Church but change it to suit their own personal taste… Beware of people who speak to please others and get reward… Beware of people who seek attention by contradict the ministry or the Church.

The way of Cain, the error of Balaam, and the controversy of Korah.

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