United Church of God

Thinking With Biblical Foundations: The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

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Thinking With Biblical Foundations

The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

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Thinking With Biblical Foundations: The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

MP3 Audio (41.31 MB)

A spiritual gift from God is the spirit of wisdom and revelation. We receive knowledge of truths about reality through revelation that we would not otherwise have. With wisdom we can use these truths to increase in grace and knowledge. This is the beginning of thinking with a biblical foundation.


Thinking With a Solid Biblical Foundation

In the first section of Ephesians Chapter 1, Paul lists God's great spiritual blessings to His Church:

  • We have been chosen to grow in grace and understanding as we pursue true holiness.
  • We are initiated into the process of becoming spirit-born adult children of God.
  • We are redeemed from our sins in order to live a life of sin-overcoming.
  • We are given His holy spirit, which is the power of everlasting life.
  • We have gained insight into the true nature of what God has in store for humanity.

In the second section of Ephesians Chapter 1, Paul is about to share his own prayers with the congregation. His prayer is about what is going on in his own mind, but it is also a "public prayer" intended to provide clarity and focus to those who hear it. His desire is that they use their knowledge of God's great spiritual blessings... and the grand plan they indicate... to motivate themselves to think and act like God.

Ephesians 1:15-16 He is thankful to know that God is working out His great plan of spiritual creation within them. He is both emotionally and intellectually invested in their development. He wants to see God's work of preparing people for a glorious, everlasting future succeed.

Later on in the letter, Paul will give case studies of how thinking like God affects acting like God in three key areas of life:

  • practicing respect and mutual concern within the congregation.
  • following God-ordained principles in their family lives.
  • having greater courage in their battles with spiritual wickedness in the world.

But we will leave that specific instruction for another message. Our purpose today is to investigate the content of Paul's prayer, which is to use the knowledge of God’s great blessings and think from a sound and biblical foundation.

Filled with Wisdom and Revelation

1:7 Ephesians Paul requests that God [who initiates and sustains the entire process of spiritual creation] provide them with what they need to succeed: wisdom and revelation.

The holy spirit of God leads you into wisdom and revelation. It gives you the right assumptions and the right goals... what you do with that truth is up to you. The holy spirit within you does not do all your thinking for you. You also have a human spirit, which must think, make decisions, and apply what it receives Ephesians 4:23.

Revelation is truths about reality that cannot be gained through human observation, experience, or the application of logic or reason. The promise of resurrection, which defies all human experience, is one example; another is the reality of God's spirit at work in humans. As Jesus stated, the force itself is invisible to you, but you can see its effects John 3:8.

Paul often speaks of revealed truths as "mysteries"—assumptions and statements about reality we  could never figure out on our own. However, there are some true statements about reality that we must be aware of:

  1. so that we have the right goals. For example, knowing God's actual plan for salvation instead of letting our imagination guide us.
  2. so that we build on the right foundation. For example, accepting definitions of good behavior based on God’s authority rather than the desires programmed into our DNA.

Wisdom is the ability to think logically and effectively with the information you have. You may be very wise with money because you know the basic principles of economics and can apply them effectively. Or, you may have a good understanding of human habits and be able to use them to effectively lead others, etc. These are examples of life truths that we can figure out on our own.

What Paul asks is that we take these true statements revealed to us by God and put them into logical and effective practice in our lives. The hearing and subsequent application of God's word is depicted in Scripture as a logical process of a rational mind. For example;

Romans 12:1-2 God's mercy is only known because He reveals it to us. We have no logical or rational reason to expect mercy. Based on observation, the world is harsh, cruel, and unforgiving. Only the fittest survive. Logically, only those without sin will live.

But because we accept mercy as true, we have reason to carry on rather than give up in despair. We conform our lives to a pattern of behavior in accordance with His will. His will is revealed to us through His word. Receiving this truth and putting it into practice is our reasonable, [logical] service.

Acts 17:2 The Bible describes Paul's teaching as reasoning with scripture... True assumptions are given to us as a gift from God... They are a type of calling. We accept them as true because we have faith in God. Then we use human reasoning or logic to apply them... if this... then that.

Isaiah 1:18 God appeals to humans' ability to think rationally.

We get to know these life truths better as we apply them, and as we know them better, we get to know God better; we get to know and experience the one who is the source of truth Exodus 33:13.

Scripture also states that as we apply that knowledge, He is able to know us. 1 Corinthians 8:3; Galatians 4:9.

Spiritual Eyesight

Ephesians 1:18 the phrase "eyes of your heart be enlightened" indicates stuff that is going on in your mind.

  • The heart was considered the place where your innermost thoughts were.
  • The eyes of your heart would then be perception—to see, to recognize, etc.
  • Enlightening would be the true things God reveals... light that shines into darkness and reveals

The phrase "in the hope He has called you to" focuses on a specific aspect of God's revealed truth: the hope He has called you to. Paul encourages them to see and process everything by placing it within the larger context of God's grand scheme. This gives meaning and purpose to actions. If you are suffering, it is for a reason. If you struggle to overcome sin, there is a good goal.

Hope is a weak word in English because, in modern usage, it implies wishful thinking. In Greek, the true meaning is: "to anticipate with pleasure" or "to anticipate with confidence." So it is goal focused!

The glorious inheritance of the saints—the goal we anticipate with confidence is that not only will we be raised to life, but that the life we are raised to is one of glory. It is glorious because we will be like Him... and we will have a future role to play—we will sit in positions of authority alongside Christ.

  • Colossians 3:4-10 Keeping the end goal in mind provides motivation to change behavior. Notice the transition from a life based on false assumptions to a new life based on assumptions given by God.
  • Romans 8:16-21 Keeping the end goal in mind creates a positive context for viewing any current suffering as having a purpose [rather than being some random misfortune]. Notice that God's spirit works together wth our spirit in verse 16.
  • 1 John 3:1-7 God's great love for us is truth that is revealed to us. It brings us into a process of spiritual transformation, which motivates us to overcome sin.

Know & Experience God's Power

Ephesians 1:19-20a for those who are willing to believe and trust God when He delivers true statements about reality… great power is available. The same power that brought Jesus Christ back to life after three days and nights in the tomb. The possibility of resurrection to eternal life is revealed to us... we would never expect such a thing based on observing the material world.

It was witnessed by 500+ people... and you have accepted their testimony.

By hearing the truths God reveals to you and applying faith to them, you can start to access the great power He makes available. Note that while faith is a gift from God, it is also a gradual process of small choices that add up over time. We develop our faith; it does not come to us all at once as a complete download into our minds and hearts.

The Enthronement of Christ

Ephesians 1:20b-23 Jesus Christ's elevation above all possible layers or hierarchies of human experience is relevant to us. Through it, we understand that our goal is more than simply being raised to life. We are called to something greater than anything presently on the planet. In the age to come, there will be important further work to do, and you are invited to participate in it.

Jesus was God and he was human… He is brought back to life as a symbol of what God has in store for humans. Paul is quoting from Psalm 8 here, which ask the question: "what’s so important about humans?"

With this revealed knowledge, it makes sense that you should have greater courage, greater focus, and a greater sense of what you are worth.

  • If this is God's intention... and the power at work ... then who can defeat us?
  • If Christ is the head of the church, then perhaps we should give His church our attention.
  • If you are feeling insignificant, small, or useless because of your struggle to overcome or your sadness in trial, remember how valuable you are in his eyes.

It's just that He values different things than we do... and He wants us to adopt His value system.

Brought Into the Process of Spiritual Creation

Ephesians 2:1-3 Once we built our thinking on a collection of half-truths and whatever vague theories we could dream up on our own. We also allowed our values to be shaped by the forces of spiritual wickedness at work in the world.

Those days are behind us and now that we are building on true assumptions about reality we unlock the tremendous potential God intended for human beings all along!

Ephesians 2:4-10 the glorious exaltation of Christ leads to the glorious exaltation of the children who have grown in grace and knowledge… who have grown into the fullness of Christ and developed the value system of God.

God has graciously started a work of spiritual creation in you. It begins with revealing some true statements about the purpose of life to you... true goals... and true behavioral standards. These do not come as a result of anything we can do or achieve on our own. We could never have thought this stuff up on our own.


Use the true knowledge God has given you... think it through... make logical and reasonable conclusions, decisions and actions from it. Stop living according to lies.

Do the works God has prepared in advance for you to do. Do this so that you can know God and He can know you.

In this same manner pray for one another.

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  • LarryKo
    Mr. Scott, Thank you for a thought provoking sermon. God supplies every need and He is with us every step of the way. King David and Nathan the prophet give a glimpse of God’s great mercy and David deeply repented.
  • Craig Scott
    Thanks for the positive feedback!
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