United Church of God

Thriving in an Evil World

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Thriving in an Evil World

MP3 Audio (43.26 MB)


Thriving in an Evil World

MP3 Audio (43.26 MB)

Each year we return from the feast in a very positive attitude, but the world of 2021 is not the world we pictured in the feast, so how do we avoid quickly becoming discouraged? In this sermon Mr. Smith first reminds us from several example passages that Jesus and the apostles did not have things easy as they preached the gospel. He then looks at Matthew 24:13 and shows us that the Greek word for "endure" in "he that endures to the end shall be saved" does not have the meaning given by the English word. The Greek does not mean to hide until a storm has passed, but to push forward with hope. He then ends the sermon looking at some of the great encouraging promises made to us in Romans 8.

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