United Church of God

True Grit

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True Grit

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True Grit

MP3 Audio (11.63 MB)

Grit is firmness of mind or spirit. It is unyielding courage. How do we maintain true grit in our spiritual life?

Sermon Notes



What one quality did Edison have that made him successful - he had grit.  Grit is the number one key to success.

Grit is firmness of mind or spirit.  It is unyielding courage.


How do we have grit?


  1. Set a goal.


Rev. 21:7 → He who overcomes shall inherit all things


1 Pet. 1:15


Eph. 4:13 → Our measure is to come into the unity of Faith, we measure ourselves against Jesus Christ.


Is this attainable?


John 14:12 → If we go to our Father, great things can be achieved through Christ’s help and the Holy Spirit within us.


God helps us grow and overcome.


Are our goals realistic?


Phil 2:13

The key to a good life is to submit to God and let Him be our authority.


Our goal is also time bound.


Rev. 2:10 → Be faithful unto death and wear a crown for a lifetime.  Our lifetime is the time period that we have.


  1. R - Resolve

Determine to complete the goal.


Ezra 9:1-3  → The people didn’t want to give up their former way of life.


Ezra 7:10


Ezra 10:11 → Ezra the priest stood up and called out the people and their transgressions.


Josh. 24:14


What is our resolve? Sometimes God wants to see if we have grit and resolve and if we will follow Him.


  1. I - Internalize


We must make being hold part of our being.


Eze 11:17 → I will take you from the peoples and give them one heart.  God has given us His spirit and brought us back from the lost way that we were on.


Psalms 119:24-32 → David asking for help to internalize God’s laws.


What is being internalized within us, how is God growing in us?


2. Cor. 3:3 → How are God’s Laws written our hearts.  


  1. T - Tenacity


Tenacity involves both physical and mental exertion.


Gen. 32:24 → The story of Jacob.


Jacob was tenacious in his wrestling with Christ with a hip injury.  He was persistent and had strong character.


How strong is our grip on the truth.


John 16:33


Blogger:  Michael Hyatt


James 5:7 → Be patient for the Lord’s return.


James is calling for stout-hearted perseverance.  What are we facing and dealing with - we can take it to God.

Heb. 10:35-36 → Don’t throw it all away now, be sure to stay with God’s plan.

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