United Church of God

Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels: Harmony of the Gospels, Part 26

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Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels

Harmony of the Gospels, Part 26

MP3 Audio (24.35 MB)


Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels: Harmony of the Gospels, Part 26

MP3 Audio (24.35 MB)

Are the Gospels authentic first-century eyewitness accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus? Bible critics don't think so, believing them to be fabrications written much later by unknown forgers. Is there a way for us to know which is correct? Yes, there is. A number of undesigned coincidences—interlocking and interweaving details between the four Gospels—show how each of the four authors recorded details he thought were important and in the process show that they are all independent and genuine eyewitness accounts of the same events.

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