United Church of God

Unfinished Lives: This Morning Sermon of the Eighth Day Explains What Will Happen to the Vast Majority of the Billions and Billions of Humans Have Died Before They Realized Their Incredible Human Potential That God Holds out to Everyone

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Unfinished Lives

This morning sermon of the Eighth Day explains what will happen to the vast majority of the billions and billions of humans have died before they realized their incredible human potential that God holds out to everyone.

MP3 Audio (76.43 MB)


Unfinished Lives: This Morning Sermon of the Eighth Day Explains What Will Happen to the Vast Majority of the Billions and Billions of Humans Have Died Before They Realized Their Incredible Human Potential That God Holds out to Everyone

MP3 Audio (76.43 MB)

Of the multiple billions of human who have ever lived, very few have been called of God. Their day of merciful judgment and the opportunity to enter the God family is yet ahead for them.

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