United Church of God

Wearing the Christian Uniform

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Wearing the Christian Uniform

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Wearing the Christian Uniform

MP3 Audio (11.26 MB)

We must put on the whole armor of God in order to stand up against Satan. Mr. Antion discusses each part of the armor we should be wearing.

Sermon Notes

January 23, 2010

-Lots of people and professions have uniforms
-Christians also have a uniform: we must wear ours all the time
-God has issued us HIS uniform to wear; we are likened to soldiers

2 Timothy 2:3
Ephesians 6:11

The armor of God: We must put on the whole armor of God in order to stand up against Satan
-Our enemy is not a physical enemy, we fight against spirits of darkness and demonic forces
-God's people must always fight, we cannot ever quit: we are fighting ideas, forces, attitudes, mindsets etc
-If we don't wear all our armor all the time, we are vulnerable
-sometimes it is uncomfortable to be a Christian, but we must bear it because it's right

Armor of God
1. Belt of truth
-Soldiers' belts were used to carry sword, etc and was wrapped around their midsections
-The truth needs to be at the  center of our being
Psalm 51:6
-God hates when people take advantage of others
3 John 1:3-4

2. Breastplate of righteousness
-Breastplates usually only cover the front: requires that we stand and face our enemy
-Breastplate protects the heart: law of God is written in our hearts
Matthew 5:6, Matthew 5:20
-Our righteousness must be God's righteousness

3. Shoes and Shin guards of being ever ready to preach the gospel
-Our feet and legs are what moves us: our motivation is wanting to preach the gospel
John 9:4  Christ's motivation was preaching the gospel while he was still able
-Are we excited and motivated to preach the gospel and sharing God's word?
Romans 1:6

4. Shield of Faith
-Large oblong shields were used in this time period
Hebrews 11:6  -faith saves us
-Shields can be moved around to protect parts of the body not protected by armor

5. Helmet of Salvation
-A blow to the head is fatal: helmet protects the head: we need to protect our minds
-Our minds contain our visions of the future, our knowledge and understanding of God's coming kingdom; we must protect it

6. Sword of the Spirit: Word of God
Hebrews 4:12  -This is our only weapon, its the only weapon we need
-Means we study and know the word of God
2 Timothy 2:15 -We are to be studying, analyzing and learning the Word of God constantly

-None of this is of any use unless we have a fighting spirit: this attitude comes through prayer
-We go to God to get our fighting spirit
-Unlike people in the world who wear uniforms to play or to their jobs, we cannot ever take ours off.

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