United Church of God

What Is a Pastor?: What Does a Pastor Do and What Are Their Responsibilities?

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What Is a Pastor?

What Does a Pastor Do and What Are Their Responsibilities?

MP3 Audio (9.73 MB)


What Is a Pastor?: What Does a Pastor Do and What Are Their Responsibilities?

MP3 Audio (9.73 MB)

This is the first sermon Mr. Myers gave as the new pastor of the Cincinnati North Church

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  • breitkingdom
    I finally got to hear this excellent sermon by Mr. Myers. The Cincinnati North congregation is going to very well represented by this wonderful servant in Christ and The Father.
  • breitkingdom
    Unfortunately I can't listen to Mr. Myers sermon because it won't play.
  • Mike Phelps
    It appears to now be working again.
  • jgilbert
    Michael, I loaded the sermon again last night, please try again
  • rnashall
    Mr. Reit, sorry to hear of this not working for you. I've had this happen on certain sermons as well. I have had success with the Downloads Button when this has occurred. Have you tried clicking on the Downloads Button that's on the right side of page? This will allow you to download it directly to your computer without playing directly from website. Once the sermon is downloaded to your computer you will be able to choose the Audio Players on your computer to play message. (Ex. Real, VLC, Itunes, Media player.) Hope that helps.
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