United Church of God

What Is Your Diet Plan?

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What Is Your Diet Plan?

MP3 Audio (59.09 MB)


What Is Your Diet Plan?

MP3 Audio (59.09 MB)

Andy McClain begins his sermon comparing a physical diet to a spiritual one. He uses four points to lay out goals we need to achieve to have a better spiritual diet.

Sermon Notes

Nutrition is very important in our daily life.  Our body is the temple of Holy Spirit.  How about spiritual diet?

Is it healthy? We need to improve our spiritual diet.

Four Components of a Healthy Diet.

1.  Evaluate Your Priorities.

Fast food is easy and quick.  A wholesome meal takes times to prepare and effort.  Every day we make a choice.

Deut. 30:14-18 → We don’t have to go great distances to find the truth.  We have a choice between life and death, prosperity, and disaster.

If we worship God, we will live long, if we worship other God.  Our other things in our life taking priority?  What are we busy about today?  Is our priority studying and talking with God?  Our are prayers focused?

Matt. 6:19 → Where our treasure is, so will be our heart.  Our choice is between self and service.

Think of those who made choices:  Cain, Adam, Joseph, etc.

Where do we place God and developing righteousness on that list?

Heb. 11:24

Sometimes we have to look past what we are experiencing and look at the long-range plan.

Duet. 30:19

2.  Daily Prayer

Daily communication with God the Father keeps us connected with Him.

Psalms 55:17 → David prayed at all times during the day.

We may pray in hardship, but how are we in good times?  There was a pattern in David’s life, how about ours?  When you have a quiet moment, be sure to thank God.

Prayer means to converse and ponder.  God wants to hear about what is going on in our life.

1 Thes. 5: → To pray means to worship.

Eph. 6:18 → The armor of God.  Do all of this in prayer.  

Prayer needs to be part of our daily routine, but it must not be routine.
3.  Ingest God’s word.

Spiritual strength comes from studying God’s word.  Our stomach tells us when we need to eat.  We need to study daily for spiritual strength.

Col. 3: →  Put on the new man who is renewed knowledge.  Don’t lie to each other.

Study means diligence and also eager.

Rom. 10:17 → Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  

Renew daily in the Word. 

Psalms 119:25-28 → David talks about be strengthened by God’s word and nourished up.

John 6:53
4.  Trust.

All of us can become discouraged and life can be hard.  But, we can absolutely trust God.

Num. 23:19

God is not human, He does not lie or change His mind.

Has God ever promised and not followed through.


Faith is something we have and trust is something we do.

Trust is an action.  Trust is a mindset.

Rom. 8:28 → We know all things work together for good for those who all called according to His purpose.  

Look at some of the stories about trust -- like Gideon.  Jeremiah - the city being besieged.and asked to defect.

Jer. 21:9 → The King couldn’t do it, to defect.

Caleb told all of Israel that they could take the city, but they rebelled and had to wander.

Moses - had to go to the greatest ruler of all time with a stick.  Can we think of when God intervened for us?  He wants to remember those times.

How does God help us learn to trust?  

Psalms 5:11 → He promises to defend us.  

Think about the eternal promises that God give us if we confess.  

Rom. 6: → We are set free from sin.

1 Pet. 1:3-5 → He offers us a future.

Isa. 26:3

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