United Church of God

What Kind of Spiritual Steward Are You?

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What Kind of Spiritual Steward Are You?

MP3 Audio (34.9 MB)


What Kind of Spiritual Steward Are You?

MP3 Audio (34.9 MB)

In this split sermon Patrick McKee considers the meaning of the parable of the unjust steward that begins in Luke 16:1. Verse 1 says that Jesus spoke the parable to his disciples, but Patrick presents the meaning of the parable as it relates to the Pharisees who according to verse 14 were also listening. He points out the Pharisees were stewards of the Old Covenant, but we are stewards of the New Covenant and covers several verses that show we are stewards of things given to us by God and therefore we need to be good stewards of God's riches.

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