United Church of God

What Qualifies Us to Lead?

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What Qualifies Us to Lead?

MP3 Audio (6.93 MB)


What Qualifies Us to Lead?

MP3 Audio (6.93 MB)

The society we live in seems to be spinning in darkness despite how much knowledge they claim to have. We have to understand that the people of the world are deceived. At this time, we do not judge the individuals but the sin that overtakes them through the deception from Satan. As the Fall Holy Days approach, we look forward to what these days represent. The Feast of Trumpets is a time when the saints of God will be given their jobs in the Kingdom. As the future leaders in Gods Kingdom how should we react to the actions of the world today? As we prepare to be the future Kings and Priests what are we to be doing today to become qualified to lead? How will we lead this world out of the darkness?

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