United Church of God

What's Ahead for Jerusalem and How It Matters to Us

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What's Ahead for Jerusalem and How It Matters to Us

MP3 Audio (44.48 MB)


What's Ahead for Jerusalem and How It Matters to Us

MP3 Audio (44.48 MB)

Through the centuries, Jerusalem has been a focal point of Bible Prophecy. However, future Middle East prophecies point to a drastic shift in geopolitics, military and economic fluctuations. These continuing trends are poised to drastically challenge the current status quo for Jerusalem. With knowledge comes responsibility. As students of Bible prophecy, we must realize that our time prior to Christ’s 2nd coming is very short. But that will only make sense to us if we are spiritually alert and fixated on keeping God’s laws and way of life. What unfolds for Jerusalem should inspire us to be zealous and vigilant to do everything that we positively can do to complete God’s work.

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