When and Why Did God Plan for Our Forgiveness?
Preparing for Passover
MP3 Audio (29.95 MB)
When and Why Did God Plan for Our Forgiveness?: Preparing for Passover
MP3 Audio (29.95 MB)
In less than 5 weeks we will be celebrating the Passover this year. It is not a coincidence that the Passover begins the first observance of the spring Holy Days every year… only 14 days after the start of a new Hebrew year. The meaning of the Passover is central to our salvation and calling because it is centered around the role of Jesus Christ. Let’s begin today by reminding ourselves that the Passover [shed blood and death of our Savior] is more than an Old Testament event first mentioned in Exodus 12. It is part of the New Covenant and was part of God’s original plan all along.
Unedited video available: https://youtu.be/EKo8XOIYcDc