United Church of God

When Is a Christian Judged?

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When Is a Christian Judged?

MP3 Audio (14.38 MB)


When Is a Christian Judged?

MP3 Audio (14.38 MB)

Judgment for all of humanity is a doctrine that we usually discuss during the fall Holy Days, particularly on the Last Great Day… but judgment is also an important topic to consider as we head into the spring Holy Days.

Sermon Notes

When is a Christian judged?

Hebrews 9:27 It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment (krisis)

The popular concept of the day of Judgment

Life Death Judgment Heaven (or Hell)

Our teaching about the time (day) of Judgment

Life Death Christ Returns Millenial Rule 2nd Rez Judgment

Access to H.S. & understanding of God’s word ensures a fair trial

Greek words used for judgment:

Krisis – the process of investigation

Krino/Krima – the decision resulting from the investigation

Krisis is used to describe the time of judgment after 2nd resurrection

Matt 12: 41-42 “rise up in the judgment”

Matt 10:15 Gomorrah in the day of judgment

Matt 11:22, 24 Tyre Sidon

… of course this all leads to Rev 20:13 Krino – a final decision

Judgment for all of humanity is a doctrine that we usually discuss during the fall holy days particularly on the Last Great Day… but judgment is also an important topic to consider as we head into the spring holy days.

We read earlier that it is appointed for men to die once but after this the judgment. But we know from reading God’s prophecies about the first resurrection that the first fruits are not resurrected to judgment but instead pass from death to life. John 5:24-29

Three quick points about passing from death into life

  • 1 Thess. 4:15-17 some Christian’s never die in their fleshly bodies
  • 1 Cor. 15:52-53 they receive the gift of eternal life upon resurrection
  • Rev 20:6 firstfruits are not subject to white throne (or the final) judgment

If we are to pass from death into life does that mean we are never judged?

NO à  II Cor. 5:9-11

When do Christians get judged?

NOW à 1 Peter 4:17 Krima

How is it that you (a Christian) are judged before you die?

All human beings die a common death. The firstfruits (with a few exceptions at the end), the Eskimo, the hindu, man, woman, sinners, saints alike. Our bodies simply stop working because they were never designed to last forever. Nobody transcends death unless or until they are changed into spirit.

For those who are in Christ “death” is a spiritual matter… and it comes upon us long before our physical hearts stop beating and we draw our final breath.

Those of us who hope upon the first resurrection meet our appointment with death when we are crucified with Christ and “buried” with him in baptism, and are raised up…

And as the scripture says “and after this the judgment” or rather the “krisis” or process of judgment begins.

Romans 6:3-14 – Death is indeed “appointed once for everyone” and for you this took place at baptism. You go down into the water to die as a mere physical creation and come up as the beginning of a spiritual creation. Your body may have some more time left to live before it wears out and stop functioning… BUT YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!

Dead to this body of flesh but now alive in the spirit. And it is in this state that your process of judgment begins!

Same steps required for everyone… different timeline for you

  • The rest of mankind… The people of Tyre and Sidon, the Queen of the South rise up from their graves at the end of the millennium You are risen from your watery grave NOW
  • When the rest of mankind rise up from their graves they are given access to the Holy Spirit and understanding of God’s word With the laying on of hands you have that access NOW
  • They will enter into the process of judgment (krisis) after that time we call the 2nd resurrection You have entered into the process of  your judgment (krisis) NOW

You do not escape judgment it just comes upon you sooner. It's not some far off time in the future… it is NOW.

Romans 6:15-23 – Note: you are not set “free” to do as you please… you are freed from your old master to serve your new master. You are transferred from one to the other.

You die when you are baptized. Your body is raised from the dead and filled with God’s Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands, and you can now become a servant of righteousness and to receive the gift of eternal life. That span of living between when your current body rises up in baptism and either the death of your current body and/or the rising up in your spiritual body at the first resurrection is … your time of judgment… Your Krisis

6 points about your process of judgment:

You are judged by what you do

  1. Keeping the commandments Romans 3:31
    1. Rom 7:14 – the law is spiritual but I am carnal  
    2. Rom 7:22 – I delight in the law of God according to the inward man
  2. Bearing the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:19 – 6:4 (I Cor 2:15)

You are involved in judging yourself (examining) – relevant at Passover

Galatians 6:4 | I Corinthians 11:28-32 diakrino

You are thrown a few curve balls to see what you are made of

II Thessalonians 1: 4-5 (the word krisis is used here) creates a “crisis”

How you “judge” matters concerning others affects how you yourself will be judged

Mat 5:7 | Mat 6:15 | Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus generally admonishes us to avoid judging others…

We appear before the our judge in prayer Mat 6:9 – courtroom example

You are involved in your process of judgment Krisis but the final decision Krino belongs to Christ à I Corinthians 4:3-5

Why does God involve us in the process?

Because we learn by doing…

We are brought into the process of judging ourselves because God wants to teach us how to become righteous judges 1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Matthew 19:28, Revelation 20:4

  • We develop our ability to judge righteously by judging ourselves rather than judging others. In the court of our judgment we know all the facts, we know the intent of the heart… because it’s us.
  • We learn compassion and mercy by judging ourselves… who else are we going to be as understanding and ready to forgive as ourselves.
  • Our sphere of judgment is very limited so we do as little damage as possible. God keeps us in the sandbox…


Jesus tells us that for judgment He came into the world but it is not for the purpose of declaring the final decision Krino … “I’m not here to judge you”. But, Jesus did come to kick off the process of judgment Krisis. And it begins NOW with the household of God.

John 3:16-21 – “not to Krino the world” | “This is the Krisis

As the Passover approaches let’s all consider soberly what we are involved in. For those who are baptized and have received the Holy Spirit your time of judgment before your Lord Jesus Christ is now. It's not some far off time in the future… it is NOW.

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