United Church of God

Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow: Are We A Fan or a Follower?

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Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow

Are We A Fan or a Follower?

MP3 Audio (13.89 MB)


Where He Leads Me, I Will Follow: Are We A Fan or a Follower?

MP3 Audio (13.89 MB)

Is Jesus first in our lives? We often set up heroes on our lives and might be a fan of some famous person that we don’t even know. Question is, who do we set as a priority as a leader in our lives? We know of the miracles Christ performed. We didn’t actually see any of these miracles but we believe that they occurred. Sometimes we want the miracles but don’t want to follow Jesus Christ as He would have us follow Him. He shows us the way and we see the difficulty and don’t want to put in the effort! We often want Him to do it all for us. Are we a fan or a follower?

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