United Church of God

Why Fast on the Day of Atonement?

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Why Fast on the Day of Atonement?

MP3 Audio (14.54 MB)


Why Fast on the Day of Atonement?

MP3 Audio (14.54 MB)

This message asks the question, why fast on the Day of Atonement, and then offers three basic reasons that should encourage each of us to take our fasting seriously.

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  • kellie.gens25
    I have really enjoyed the breakdown of this sermon. J have shared with 3 people already because i found it to be so helpful. I loved the humor in the beginning and the way you were able to make things so easy tl understand. Thank you for your responses to the comment above because that only clarifies any doubts of being able yo follow the holy day perfectly. I truly appreciated this sermon tonight!
  • Skip Miller
    Hello Easter, NO, God will not kill you for taking your medication. But I would suggest that you talk to someone about your on-going needs. God is most interested in your Eternal health & welfare, that is why we pray but because we are all so very human, at the present time, God also wants us to be able to talk with friends who share our same deep seated Biblically based beliefs. Find a United Church of God minister near your home or write to me.
  • meade19
    I was only able to fast from 12:00am last night until today 12:00 p.m. I have ate no food I take a lot of medicine for depression, anxiety, PTSD I took my antidepressant, anxiety med coffee with 1 tablespoon of heavy cream and MCT a glass of water. Will God kill me since I have only fasted 1 day 12am to 12 p.m.?
  • kenloucks
    Hello and thank you for your comment. The answer to your question, "will God kill me" for only partially keeping the fast, is no. If you are alive and reading this, then you already know that to be true. God is slow to anger and full of mercy and ready to instantly forgive us when we repent. God is not anticipating punishing us for our failure to obey him perfectly. The most important issue to God with regard to our obedience is our attitude. When it comes to obeying his commands, he's looking first and foremost at our attitude in obedience. Do we obey out of begrudging resignation or out of a desire to please Him? When it comes to keeping his Holy Days, God gives us simple and straight forward commands. When our circumstances preclude us from being able to comply in totality, the issue becomes one of faith - we must each walk with God to the best of our ability. In circumstances such as you describe for yourself, what you do becomes a matter of your conscience. The fact that you may not be able to fast for the full 24 hours does not nullify the command to do so, it is simply mitigated by your circumstances. Pray about it and do your best. God is full of mercy!
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