United Church of God

Why Is There Evil in the World?

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Why Is There Evil in The World?

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Why Is There Evil in the World?

MP3 Audio (37.89 MB)

We all know and acknowledge there is evil in the world but how did it get there? Was it a mistake, or fatal flaw? Some point to the presence of evil in the world as their reason for disbelief in God. If a good God exists why would He allow evil to continue?


God's plan for salvation and eternal life involves a confrontation with evil. Our confrontation with through a 7 step program of repentance, forgiveness, overcoming, spiritual discernment. Then the final two steps are direct intervention by Christ, and destruction of the source of evil.

But Why Is There Evil in the World?

We all know and acknowledge there is evil in the world but how did it get there? Was it a mistake, or fatal flaw?

Some point to the presence of evil in the world as their reason for disbelief in God. If a good God exists why would He allow evil to continue?

If there is no God and we are just products of evolution then calling something evil makes no sense either.  All events that happen are just part of our fight for survival as individuals or as a species in an evolutionary process. We murder, lie, steal, in our personal or communal drive to survive. We commit adultery to spread or perpetuate our DNA... etc.

If the struggle for survival is the only true purpose we have… and then I murder a rival so I can steal his food and survive… then I have not committed evil… I have fulfilled my purpose in life. We could even say that murder serves a good purpose in weeding out the weak leaving more resources for the strong.

Evolution, survival of the fittest, and materialism are a way of thinking that can be used to justify horrific atrocities… if you do not believe in God what basis do you have for saying one type of action good… and another type of action evil.

What About People Who Believe in God?

Those who believe there is a God… who believe He created and sustains all things… also have to answer questions about where evil comes from:

  1. If God is the creator of all things then is He responsible for creating evil? – therefore meaning He had evil within Himself and is the ultimate source of evil.
  2. If God is all powerful and sustains all things does God also sustain evil? – because He causes or allows it to continue is He is ultimately responsible...

We know these two propositions are not true… but they are reasonable questions that deserve an answer.

Did God Create Evil?

God did not create evil… murder, lying stealing, war… but He did create the OPPORTUNITY for evil because he allows free will within His creation. He  made human beings with minds capable of thinking our own thoughts and making our own choices.

Before creating man God created other spiritual beings with minds and freewill [commonly called angels]. He made them beautiful, with amazing gifts and talents. These spiritual beings were there with God when He created earth…. He gave some of them tasks to perform to prepare the earth for something very special yet too come  in His creation plan.

At some point a large portion of these beings decided they didn’t agree with what God had planned. Perhaps it was the idea that He was planning to create other spirit beings (spirit born human beings) who would, when completed and matured, be superior to angels Hebrews 2:5-8, 1 Corinthians 6:3. Whatever the reason was, these angels figured things would be better if they were in charge… and a full third of them rebelled against God.

Isaiah 14:12-14 evil begins with exercise of free will against God’s person, His commands, His authority, His way

The Rebellion Failed… As It Had To

God is all powerful, far above all rule any authority, power and dominion. The angel’s rebellion never had any hope of success - Luke 10:17-19, Rev 12:3-4

Why Didn’t God Get Rid of Satan Permanently?

God did not destroy the rebellious spirit beings the seraphim and cherubim we call angels… He could have thrown them into the abyss where they could do no harm… instead they were hurled out of heaven and landed KABUMP… on earth.

On earth, the fallen and disgraced angels are free to roam the planet alongside human beings… the very ones God is preparing for sonship in the family of God.

Revelation 12:9 the rebellious Lucifer brings with Him his way of thinking and infects the minds of human beings.

AHA you say! So, once again God appears responsible for the presence of evil in our world! God could have gotten rid of Satan but He didn’t… he banished Satan to earth. God could have stopped evil but He didn’t. WHY?

God’s Present Purpose on Earth is Creating Spirit Born Children

God’s children are to become like Him in mind, spirit, character… then they receive the full rights of sonship!

Our experience with physical children teaches us and important lesson: Our children have some traits they get from us through their DNA, other traits they get from us from our instruction. So it is and will be with the begotten and spirit born children of God. We have may qualities that are like God [created in His likeness], but we are incomplete, immature, in a state of flux… Who we are spiritually is determined by our exercise of free choice… which can be good or bad.

Genesis 1:31 Did God create humans with evil built into their very nature? No, God declared His creation is good not evil… that includes human beings who He created.

Romans 8:5-10 without the assistance of the holy spirit and God’s word we don’t know how to make good choices. Note: the vast majority of those who have ever lived have never had access to the understanding of truth and the holy spirit… that is the great question we address through a good understanding of the Great White Throne Judgment… the message of the final holy day of the biblical festivals [Last Great Day].

Matthew 26:41 the flesh, human nature, is not evil… but it is weak. God might ask you to do certain things and your flesh doesn’t want to do them because the flesh is wired to think first and foremost about its own survival. For example, God commands us to fast on the Day of Atonement. The spirit might be willing but the flesh says “whoa, what are you talking about”, that’s crazy. Eating and drinking are essential to survival and top priority for the flesh. Fasting is an exercise of choosing to rule over the flesh through the spirit.

The priorities of the spirit are not the priorities of the flesh. In this way your flesh can be an working against the spiritual, an enemy of God… but still not be evil. For example; rabbits might eat up all the nice lettuce I planted … but I don’t consider them evil. That’s just what rabbits do. The flesh is simply responding to circumstances the way it was designed to. But for the children of God, the  spirit must rule over the flesh.

Ezekiel 28:13-17 in similar manner, the cherubim and seraphim were not created with evil as part of their nature. They were created perfect. But also free to choose John 8:44

Before God gives mortal humans, like you and me, everlasting life He wants to know your heart and mind…. What you will do with that eternal life…. Would you end up just like Lucifer? Would you choose to become the enemy and adversary of God?

That is why from the very beginning God has exposed humans to Satan, to the fallen angels, and the evil they promote. We all must choose and there is great suffering as a consequence. We have to hear, weigh and judge the arguments for and against Godly righteousness. These arguments don’t always come in the form of words and discussion… but in the form of experience and temptation. “To the one who overcomes I will give the right to eat from the tree of life which is in the paradise of God.

God also exposes those whom he love to adverse conditions for the purpose of testing and perfecting their character by allowing them to suffer. Deuteronomy 8:2-6

Note: God may test or lead you into tribulation BUT He does not tempt or lure anyone to sin… Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire [James 1:13-14].

Satan is Under a Partial Restraining Order From God

Job 1:6-12 Satan can only do what God allows

Luke 22:31-32 Satan has to ask permission to mess with Peter

God the Father wants all to learn that the only kind of life that really works is the one that He reveals in His word. There is no alternative way that works… and to prove that God lets humanity live out many alternative ways… in this present evil age… and we don’t just get a taste, we have to drink the whole bottle down to the dregs. By the end of this evil age humanity will have tried just about every alternative to God’s way… and experience its total failure.

After that, God will treat the earth to 1,000 years of doing things His way. Free choice will still be allowed but the way of God will be taught… and it will be enforced.

But I Already Trust God at His Word Why Must I Suffer?

There is a lot we can learn by hearing, being taught and so forth but there are some things that can only be learned by experiencing them. You can tell a toddler that touching a hot stove element means lots of pain… they’ll hear the words… they might even believe you… but they won’t really understand what the pain of a burned palm is like unless the touch the stove. And for some children that’s the only way they will believe.  

By believing and trusting in God you are way ahead of most of the world. God will provide you with the faith and spiritual strength you need but you still have to live your life in this present evil age. Hardness in life is part of your preparation to assist Christ during that 1,000 year period and beyond. When endured with patience and faith it prepares you to experience eternity in a successful, joy filled way.

[comfort = encouragement] 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 we learn compassion and empathy through the temptations we endure and through suffering… so that we might help others. God plan is for us to join Him in future creative projects in the age to come.

Your Personal Confrontation With Evil

At present the great confrontation with evil in our world is being worked out in the lives of individuals… people like you and me. We address evil through repentance, forgiveness, overcoming, spiritual discernment of what is evil… what is good… and what is better!

What Comes Next? Is There A Final Solution to Evil?

God has a plan... and at a certain time He will switch gears. When Satan was thrown down he was mad… because he knew his time was limited. There is a time limit on this whole experiment of allowing humans to have dominion over the earth with Satan among them.

After centuries and millenia of allowing humanity to pursue dead-end paths… after thousands of years of allowing them to be mentally and spiritually dominated by Satan… God is going to turn everything upside down and show humanity what a 1,000 years of living His way looks like.

To get that started: 

  1. God installs a new authority on earth who is good, namely Jesus Christ the Messiah Daniel 7:13-14
  2. Ordains the resurrected firstfruits to assist Him Daniel 7:22, 26-27
  3. Removes one who stirs up evil, namely Satan. Rev 20:1-3

With the influence of Satan completely removed God will demonstrate what a world without evil looks like. Which of course is the point of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Then finally all men who have ever lived will arise again to life to see and compare and choose. For most this will be their first opportunity to make an informed choice. Some will choose eternal life and others will choose eternal death. Which of course is the point of the Last Great Day.

God did not create evil. He created choice. Would you really have it any other way?

Deuteronomy 30:19

Choose wisely… Choose Life.

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