United Church of God

Why Should We Consider the Cornerstone?

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Why Should We Consider the Cornerstone?

MP3 Audio (60.98 MB)


Why Should We Consider the Cornerstone?

MP3 Audio (60.98 MB)

Cornerstones are not as prominent in building today as they were in ancient days. But that does not mean we should be at a loss about the significance of one. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, was analogously in scripture called the Cornerstone. He would be rejected as was typical in looking for the perfect stone to begin a monumental project. But only to be ultimately used as the Cornerstone of a spiritual temple that would ask us to mimic or emulate His characteristics throughout our life. That is, to be level, plumb, truthful, loyal and faithful to His purposes. Join us today as we discuss an intriguing idea, Jesus Christ, our Cornerstone, foretold millennia ago.

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