United Church of God

Will You Reach the Goal? Part 2: Pursue the God-Given Goal

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Will You Reach the Goal? Part 2

Pursue the God-Given Goal

MP3 Audio (16.03 MB)


Will You Reach the Goal? Part 2: Pursue the God-Given Goal

MP3 Audio (16.03 MB)

Everyone would like to live forever (Ecclesiastes 3:11). So, wanting eternal life is common to all humans and is often a primary focus, want or "goal." What is uncommon for humans is the implementation of a systematic process to develop God's mindset. Those who set that as their goal, and with God's help make progress toward achieving it, will receive what Scripture calls a "reward," or "gift," or "prize" of eternal life. While not something one can earn by works, it is only those who demonstrate works of righteousness that will receive it (Matthew 25:44-46).

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