United Church of God

Worship, Rejoice, and Serve

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Worship, Rejoice, and Serve

MP3 Audio (12.89 MB)


Worship, Rejoice, and Serve

MP3 Audio (12.89 MB)

In preparation for the Holy Day season with a message about how ownership of this world will change. He focuses on three points; worship, rejoice and serve.

Sermon Notes



Rev. 11:15 → It’s not a temporary change that is coming, but a permanent one.


A change is coming to this world’s ownership and it will be soon.


This pictures a time that we anxiously wait for.


This spiritual season pictures that new ownership for the world.


God has chosen us to show that power truth.  God wants us to rejoice in this truth.  God wants us to be part of that day.


We are to worship God in our thoughts and actions, not just during Holy Days, but througout the year.


It is important that we attend services to show respect for God.


Heb. 10:24 → It order to love and good works, think of ways to show love with each other. Do not forsake the assembly with each other.


Do not forsake our fellowship with one another and especially into the Fall Holy Days.


These days have been kept since the beginning of man’s creation.


Deut. 16:13 → God wants us to worship for 7 days.  We need to make sure we are obedient to God.


Our offerings are part of our worship to God.  We are not coming empty handed to God.


We are gathering as part of God’s, people.


We need to be filled with zeal when we go before our God.


Psalms 47:1 → Clap you hands all you people, shout to God with all that you triumph.  There wil be reason to triumph when there is new ownership of this world.


Col. 3:16 → We are instructed to rejoice in our singing praises to God.


We worship God in our Bible study and prayers.


Fill your mind in Isaiah and Zechariah on what the millenium will be like for us.  Talk to God about His plan.


2.)  Rejoice in the Fall Holy Day season.


God wants us to enjoy this time of year.  It shouldn’t be a dread or something that we take casually.  This will happen naturally if it is in our hearts and minds.  God is making this time special for you and I.


God has been working to find a place for us to come together.


Duet. 16: → You shall rejoice in the Lord your God.  You shall rejoice in the Feast.


God wants us to get as much as we possible can from the Fall Holy Day season.


Zeph. 3:17 → God rejoices with gladness when we rejoice in the Holy Days.  God breaks out in song over us.  That is the God we worship.


Isa. 62:1-4 → God is going to hold us for all to see.


The Lord delights in us and claims us as His bride.  God cannot wait for these days to be fulfilled.  Our kids needs to rejoice as well.  We need to make these days very special for everyone.  We need to build their antisipation.  It is greatest thing you can do to build enthusiasm.  Try to minimize doing homework at the Feast.


Perhaps let the children pick the Feast site.  Let them get excited where they are going  Our focus as we head into these days needs to be positive and focused.


3.)  Serve God’s People.


If you want to have a good Feast, then serve God’s people.


Neh. 8:1 → God’s people after they had built the wall.  They Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the Law.  They were about the renew their relationship with God.  The ears were attentive to what was being read.


Neh. 8:10 → Go serve your brother.  Go eat and drink and do not be grieved.  


Don’t take these days for granted.


Neh. 8:18 → They observed the 8th day and it brought them together.


When we serve, we are giving.


Help your wife more than you do normally.  Be sure to not to overcommit yourself at the Feast.  Serve, but do it in balance.  It should be a blessing to others.


Luke 6:38 → Jesus Christ was the perfect picture of a servant.  He didn’t come to be served, but to serve.


1 Pet. 4:9-10 → Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.  As good stewards of God, use your gift.

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