United Church of God

Write Them on the Tablet of Your Heart

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Write Them on the Tablet of Your Heart

MP3 Audio (11.18 MB)


Write Them on the Tablet of Your Heart

MP3 Audio (11.18 MB)

Pastor Bart Bornhorst speaks about how the heart shows our personal convictions and values. What do we value in our life? What defines us? It is our morals and character. What do we treasure in our life? Because that is where our heart will be. (Matt. 6:21)

Sermon Notes

Our heart takes our personal convictions and values.  What are things that we value in our life?  Our family, the decisions we make for our family.

Our heart guides our decision making.

Prov. 16:9 → A man’s heart plans his way.  What you value most will set your plans.  Mankind set his own way in life.

Prov. 23:7 → For as he thinks in his heart - so He is.

This defines us as a person.  Those inner values and morals define us as a person.

What makes up character?  Are we born with a set character?  Can we change it?  Lincoln says character is like a tree and it’s reputation is it’s shadow?  A shadow is what we think it is, but the tree is the real thing.

Our actions might tell us our true character, but God knows us the best.  Our actions do cast a shad 

1. What makes up our character?

It’s what we value most in life.

Could we define what ethics and morals are?

An ethic can be established by a church, a school, your workplace, any institution.  Morals are our personal beliefs.  What helps us decide between right and wrong.  Ethics are an ‘external’ authority.  Morals are established personally because we decide they are important.

One may be completely ethical, but devoid of morals.  You can be following ethics from your workplace, but not have the right morals.

What makes up our character?  Ethics and morals that we have adopted.  If our character is at a low point, we will suffer and have a miserable life.  We have to look at our heart.

Prov. 16:21 → The wise in heart will be called prudent.

Prov. 17:20 → He who has deceitful heart, finds no good.  It leads to problems and difficulties.

Matt. 6:21 → Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  That will be your motivation.  If you treasure a strong relationship with God, your parents, brethren at church - that is what you will pursue.

2. Are we born with character?

We are not.  Character is something we learn and value in life and we grow older.  As we grow older, we learn about man’s laws and then God’s laws.  God tell us what He values and tells us to obey them.

Deut. 6: → Do His law because it is good for us.  It will lead to blessings in our life.

Rom. 13:1

Submit to authority.  God wants us to submit to the laws of the land as long as they don’t conflict with God’s laws.

Anyone who rebels against authority will be punished.

2.  Can we change our heart

We often change as we enter adulthood.  As teenagers, we may not appreciate our family as much.  But, as adults, we start to appreciate our families.  As we approach with adulthood, we harden our values.  This can be good or bad.  We need to prepare our hearts to seek a life with God.

Ezra 7:6 → Ezra’s job was a scribe in writing the Law of God.  This was an ability and talent that God gave Ezra.

Ezra prepared his heart to seek the Law of God and to do and teach it.  That is what requires of each and every one of us.

King Rehoboam didn’t seek this same outcome.

2 Chron. 12:13, 15 → Rehoboam did evil because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord.  He did not put God first in His life.  He did not establish God 

4.  How important is the condition of your heart to God

God want us to establish His Law in our hearts.

2 Chron. 16:5-8 → Story of Asa, King of Judah.

God roams the earth to look for those who have a loyal heart for Him.  King Asa wavered back and forth and God cursed him with wars.  Asa took his anger out of other people.  Often when a person has a heart that isn’t right with God, they take it out on other people.

Prov. 22:17-19 → Pour our life into God’s Laws and Ways.

If our trust isn’t in God every day, then it is physical.

Duet. 6:5 → You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart and soul and with all of your strength.  We can’t afford to leave anything on the table.

5.)  What is the path to a healthy heart?

Prov 3:1 → Write them on the tablet of your heart.  Find favor in high esteem.  Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and understanding.  In all of your ways, acknowledge God and He will direct your path.

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