United Church of God

You Can Be a Pillar in God's Church

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You Can Be a Pillar In God's Church

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You Can Be a Pillar in God's Church

MP3 Audio (33.64 MB)

In construction a pillar would be a firm, upright, support for a larger superstructure; for example a steel or marble column that holds up a cross beam. This construction context is way we can explore the biblical use of the concept.


A Pillar in the Church

To call someone a pillar, for example: pillar of society, pillar of the community, pillar of the church… has been a well used idiom of the English language since medieval times. It basically means such a person is an active and respected member of a group of people… local society, community, or church.

Like many such phrases we hear this one is used less often than in the past. Discussions of old-fashioned or quaint idioms of the language are not our purpose here [that would be better suited to a course in philology]. We are going to discuss this particular phrase because its origin is biblical which probably also explains why it is falling into disuse and beginning to sound out-of-date.

In construction a pillar would be a firm, upright, support for a larger superstructure; for example a steel or marble column that holds up a cross beam.

This construction context is way we can explore the biblical use of the concept.

Revelation 3:12 here we have a prophecy of your future position in the household of God. To be a pillar in this grand and holy building project God is working out. I ask that you consider your present circumstances in God’s Church as training for that future role.

To be, or work towards becoming, a pillar in God’s Church, is training to become a pillar in the temple of God. A temple not made of human hands, stone, or steel, or glass… but a temple composed of the family of God Revelation 21:22… the Father, the son, and his many children who stand as pillars in that creation.

A Pillar As A Metaphor/Analogy

The primary function of a pillar is to provide support, and strength… to bolster, brace, prop-up, or sustain. We can easily picture what that means in a construction project… imagining those functions in a community, a society, or a church requires some additional thought and application.

Galatians 2:1-2, 9 Paul goes to the home church in Jerusalem to make sure he is working in harmony with the rest of the church. He talks with James, Peter, and John… who were considered pillars in the church.

The KJV and NKJV uses the word “seemed” which in modern English casts a shadow of doubt… “it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it wasn’t”… [supposedly pillars as opposed to known as pillars].

  • NIV James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as pillars
  • NLT In fact, James, Peter, and John, who were known as pillars of the church

What made these men pillars was not their physical strength, it was their reputation. Meaning others could look to them to uphold, support, strengthen, or sustain the church… through the example of their actions, their attitudes, and their words.

There are people today who others point to as pillars within the church... people who inspire confidence, stability, and a feeling that this all makes sense. So I hope you are asking… How Can I Be A Pillar?

A Pillar Needs A Solid Foundation

In a construction setting a pillar can only do its job properly if its set up straight and put on a firm foundation that doesn’t shift around, cave in, or wash away Matthew 7:26.

Because of this a pillar can withstand adversity. A pillar sticks with it. A pillar it there week after week, year after year.

That statement from Jesus comes at the end of the sermon on the mount. His teachings were not some new thing. His teachings are built upon the already existing written word of God. The new testament explains the old testament, it does not replace it.

So a pillar knows God’s word and knows it well. But there much more to it than knowledge. There are plenty of people who know the word well but are not considered pillars.

Ephesians 2:19-22

1 Peter 2:5 quotes psalm 118:22, a prophecy

The Importance of the Cornerstone

The cornerstone (or foundation stone or setting stone) is the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.

Christ is that rock. We build our lives around Him by following His example, giving heed to His teaching, and accepting His authority over our lives.

Christ’s life death and resurrection – without the reality of those events all the words are of no value. Through them the penalty of sin is paid and the down payment of eternal life [the holy spirit] is made available to us. Without Christ there is knowledge… but there is no life.

Doctrine – trustworthy teaching based on scriptural record… revealed by God and encoded in a text format

1 Timothy 3:15 acting together the church the church as a whole is also a pillar which upholds and sustains the truth of God in a world that is constantly shifting. The analogy becomes circular… but the church as a pillar sustains the truth that allows you as an individual determine what constitutes a firm foundation… and then build your life upon it.

Let’s get back to you as a pillar within the overall structure of the church

A Pillar Provides Support

Earlier we spoke of a pillar as bolstering, propping up, sustaining, and supporting a larger superstructure. A pillar plays a part in holding up something greater than itself. We can apply this in two areas:

How it applies to our personal relationships one to another; within the Church

How it applies to our personal relationship with the Church when considered as a whole

Supporting One to Another

Physically: to offer help in times of need; like offering a ride to services, taking a tray of food to someone in times of stress and trouble, visiting one another, showing personal hospitality and fellowship to others… including those who are alone. At the some time using discernment to not force yourself on others when they need space.

Spiritually: pray for one another. Hint: don’t wait for someone to fall sick before you consider them in your prayers. Encourage one another. Try not to fellowship an opportunity to complain. If you find this hard then try to do things together instead of just talking.

Talking: to have positive and uplifting talk you have to guard your thoughts and keep your own mind focused on the big picture of the work God is performing. We all care about the church and are very focused on what it is up to… I have always found that conversations with a lot of “the church should do this”, “the church should do that” … can be very engaging [because I am highly invested in the overall project]… but, such conversations usually leave me deflated and depressed. We in the ministry fall prey to this as much as anyone [negative nostalgia].

Talking bible: this is a double edged sword. Talking about areas of controversy, or where there are multiple interpretations are definitely more interesting. These are the topics we naturally gravitate towards. Talking bible can be helpful… and sometimes it can be harmful. Very often people who get fixated on their own personal interpretations of some verse find themselves gradually getting more alienated from the body until they float out the window on a gentle breeze like Forrest Gumps feather.

Ephesians 4:11-16

Supporting The Whole Body

Let’s hearken back to the construction analogy: a pillar standing alone does not fulfill its intended purpose … its nothing more than a decorative stone. In a construction project, like building a house, or a temple a pillar must be joined properly to the overall structure to serve its purpose and function.

For example:

  1. If one pillar is higher than the others then the whole weight of the cross beam falls on that pillar.
  2. If its too short then its either not really supporting any weight, or its causing the entire superstructure to sag

Either option weakens the overall structure.

The overall structure we are considering here is the Church.

A pillar does not try to set itself apart from others, exalt its own importance, its not pushy, not seeking its own way.

A pillar does not shrink back when it is called upon to support… “why is the Church doing that?” … “don’t ask me… no one asked my opinion… if it all comes crashing down its not my fault… I’ll just be standin’ over here”. If you have ever found yourself saying stuff like that… join the club.

We all struggle with the same conflicting currents of the human heart. But we must persevere.


You can say the same thing in a variety of different ways. You might have a concern and express it in a way that comes across as complaining, or you might say it in a way that is criticism, or you might say it in a manner that is perceived as constructive criticism. [Spider on the wall]


We spoke a bit earlier of praying for one another: I ask that you also pray for the ministry. For example: year after year I have heard lamentations about sermon content: we need more prophecy, we need to focus on the fundamental doctrines, I need encouragement to get through the trials and temptations of my life, I want to be encouraged and uplifted [note: I have never heard anyone say “I want correction”, although I have heard people say “I want that other person to be corrected”].

I ask you to pray about the messages you hear in Church. Ask for God’s inspiration, ask for those answers you need, ask for the encouragement you need.

Hebrews 13:17-18 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly. 

The KJV NKJV translations definitely have an authoritarian spin [add background on 1611 KJV]. Do a word study on this verse and I think you are likely going to see OBEY is not the way the word is usually translated.

My translation: Work together with/trust/be persuaded by your leaders and let them win you over as those who are tasked with providing you spiritual instruction and who know they will be held responsible for it by God. Help make their work a joy and not a burden of grief. Pray for us, we truly are trying to do what is what is best, in an honest/honorable manner.

Financial Support

Be faithful in your tithes and offerings. They are a clear and obvious way in which each of us supports the overall structure, the church, fulfill its commission to preach the gospel and make disciples of those who respond.


Revelation 3:12 a pillar in God’s temple is an analogy that points to our reward

  • A pillar of perfect Godly character, straight, tall and true with position and place in God’s house… His family… His universe ruling structure
  • You will remain close to Him forever… not going out
  • You will bear the family name FOREVER
  • You will be living and working at God’s universal headquarters for all eternity

Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone, who sets the foundation, wants to share His office and administrative duties with us… with you.

As pillars we will extend the strength and support to billions of others when they too are resurrected.

Part of your training for that amazing future and glorious reward begins now in the humble setting of His Church…

Be the person others can look to as a pillar in the Church. One that endures and remains standing, supporting, ans sustaining.

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