United Church of God

Answering Questions Around the Globe

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Answering Questions Around the Globe

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As readers are challenged by and become interested in the message the United Church of God proclaims, they naturally have questions. Answering those questions is an important part of the Church's efforts.

As reported last issue, 2,792 letters and e-mails were answered by Cecil Maranville (letters) and 29 other ministers (e-mails). This was a 5 percent increase over the previous year.

The home office also answered 754 requests for the location of the nearest United congregation. Many more readers contact the local pastors directly by finding their telephone numbers on the www.ucg.org Web site.

In addition, the Vertical Thought magazine and Web site attracted 841 e-mails answered by a separate team of ministers now being coordinated by Tom Clark.

Offices outside the United States also answer questions from readers. Here are the numbers we received at press time:

Australia 312
Canada approx. 100
Italy 187
Southern Africa approx. 110

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