United Church of God

FORWARD To Eternity - and Beyond

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FORWARD To Eternity - and Beyond

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It may be mathematically impossible, but that never stopped Buzz Lightyear! In fact, mathematical impossibilities never stopped the work that Jesus Christ gave His Church to do either. As our Lord and Master said, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).

Even as we in the United Church of God slog through a truly sad time of losing friendships in the faith, we are pressing forward in every quarter of God's work, preaching the gospel and preparing a people to serve the great Messiah at His return for the infinity of eternity in the Kingdom of God. Lest we lose sight of spiritual progress amidst the current turmoil, let's look forward toward the great things that God is doing among us.

As Christ's brethren, we're not unfamiliar with turmoil. Consider our historical brother John the Baptist who, when persecuted, imprisoned and wearied (enduring serious turmoil), wondered whether Jesus was truly the Messiah. Christ sent him a powerful message, reassuring him among other things that "the poor have the gospel preached to them" (Luke 7:22). And who is poorer than those who don't know the true gospel of the Kingdom of God that Jesus preached?

Likewise, today United commits tremendous resources and energy to proclaiming God's way of life, Christ's return and the coming of the Kingdom of God in print, on television and on multiple websites on the Internet.

Renewed Efforts to Do the Work

The open door to place the Beyond Today television program on the U.S. nationwide cable station WGN America has been a huge boon to the gospel. In a relatively few months of broadcasting there we have had numerous new donors to the cause plus some already attending the Church!

The Good News magazine has consistently remained the most widespread print periodical proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom over the last 15 years. And don't forget The Good News' younger sibling Vertical Thought. Although the circulation is considerably less the GN, VT is largely unique within our milieu. Aimed at today's youth and God's young people in His Church, it focuses toward the future as "a magazine of understanding for tomorrow's leaders." Vertical Thought and The Good News are set to go forward with invigorated editorial energy!

And here's more good news! The United Youth Camps program, replete with new directors, is developing exciting plans for instructing our youth in the fundamentals of God's Word even better. We are planning strategic locations for teen and preteen camps, some old favorites and a couple of new adventures. These will soon be publicized in United News, the camp magazine and online at uyc.ucg.org. In addition to camps, pastors and members are planning a bevy of regional social activities for God's treasured young people—proms, campout weekends and other special events are getting underway.

With relatively few adjustments, the United Feast sites are operational and will soon be ready for your Festival planning. Whether on the holy weekly Sabbath or the annual festivals, the United Church of God presses on toward God's Kingdom.

Your prayers and service help us move forward together—to eternity and beyond! UN

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