United Church of God

I'm Not Married-Is There Something Wrong With Me?

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I'm Not Married-Is There Something Wrong With Me?

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No one goes through life without trials. And being single can indeed be a trial. But so is poor health, being childless, losing a mate, being out of work, bearing a handicapped child, etc. So unless you are also going to look at others with various trials and ask if there's "something wrong" with them, you shouldn't look at yourself as single as being any different or having any greater trial than they do. Paul was talking to those in the Church when he said, "No temptation [trial] has overtaken you except such as is common to man …" (1 Corinthians 10:13, emphasis added).

While a good marriage is wonderful and to be desired, being single is definitely superior to being in a bad marriage. The heart-wrenching anguish of being married to someone who is totally incompatible to you, abusive, immature or selfish is so much worse than being single that there is no comparison! You think it's a trial being single? Try being married to the wrong person!

God promotes marriage, but He neither promises that all will be married nor that all marriages will be happy. He wants us to have children, but He neither promises that all marriage unions will have them nor that all babies will be born perfect. He heals and blesses and protects, but He doesn't promise that we'll never suffer.

Being single may be a trial—but it's not a disgrace!

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