United Church of God

Step Out of the Fret Room

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Step Out of the Fret Room

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In a recent sermon the minister described it this way: "When we get into this kind of attitude, it's like going into a very dark, damp and gloomy room emotionally and closing the door to stew." He called it our "fret room."

Do you ever go to your fret room? One day while I was stuffing booklets to be mailed out at the home office where I work, I went into my emotional fret room, fretting about how insignificant and small I felt in the scope of things. Suddenly, one of the booklet's covers caught my attention. It seemed to jump right out at me! The booklet was Jesus Christ: The Real Story, and the cover photo was of a crown of thorns with four rusty nails beside it. Of course this represented Christ's death. The light suddenly came on in my fret closet, and I was shaken back to reality!

The cover reminded me of one of the greatest qualities that characterizes Christ. He was a servant and still is a servant. Most of us humans typically spend our whole lives trying to achieve, climb the ladder and excel to greatness for ourselves.

Christ gave up His greatness to become flesh so He could teach us how to truly become great through service. He taught us by His example in reaching out to the poor and healing the sick. But His greatest service of all, which was glaringly obvious to me as I looked at this cover photo, was His humiliating death so that I may live. So that we all may live!

Do you ever feel that your contributions to life are insignificant and go unnoticed by all? That no one cares or that no one loves you? Stop! Get out of your fret closet and reflect on the tremendous example of Christ! Christ came here to this earth to serve not to be served! He did not strive to achieve power or glory for Himself. He gave His life for us.

Christ's service and care for us is demonstrated in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (New International Version).

I am sure from time to time I will slip into my fret closet, and God will have to remind me about this great visual lesson I learned that day. When we take our focus off of ourselves and place it onto others, it is then, and only then, that we will be complete. Remember Matthew 11:28-30 and my visual lesson, and step out of your fret closet. UN

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