United Church of God

The Spider and Its Web

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The Spider and Its Web

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I marveled at their beauty and how focused they were, even though I was right there watching them. Then suddenly, right in front of me, a very large garden spider swung down from underneath the gutter of the porch.

My natural instinct was to destroy this very large spider, but this spider grabbed my attention. It began to string a web from a bush located off the porch back up to the gutter from which it began its journey, starting the foundation of its web.

I was captivated as I watched this spider for more than an hour building its web. The spider took great care in the details of its web, designing its position, location, shape and size for the purpose of capturing its prey. The location of this web had me in awe. This spider had its web suspended off the porch in space, which to me was totally amazing.

After the web was created, I sat and reflected on the spider creating its web. Spiders were a nuisance to me before that day, but while standing there, observing the web, a scripture came to mind immediately.

David wrote in Psalm 14:1: "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'"

This process clearly showed me that this web had a designer, and that designer was the spider. Was the Master Designer showing me through the example of this spider, how magnificent He is and how detailed He was in His creation?

In essence, all living beings show the complexity and intricate detail of the Master Designer's handiwork.

The Master Designer

In Genesis 1:1-31 we are told that the Master Designer is God, creating the heavens and the earth. From this point forward, the Master Designer took six days to make the earth suitable to sustain all forms of life, including man.

Through these verses the Master Designer has allowed us to see His greatness in detail through the creation of the earth, the plant life, the water, the animals and man.

Through biology, we can see living organisms at their cellular level. We can see how the organs of the body work. We can also see the Master Designer's thoughtfulness to the detailed design of the human body.

There is no doubt that many people lack the knowledge that God exists, but God tells us how to find Him. Jeremiah writes, "And you will seek Me and find Me when you shall search for Me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13).

The spider showed me that everything has a designer. The spider web had a designer, and its designer was the spider. If the spider was able to design and create such an intricate and beautiful web, how much greater is the Master Designer who created the spider and gave it the ability to design and create its web? UN

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