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Treasure Digest: 20 Ways to Show Teens "I Love You"

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20 Ways to Show Teens "I Love You"

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Young people need to be loved, and in addition to their parents, Church members can help them feel a part of the greater spiritual family. Here are some ideas to help break the ice and bridge the generation gap:

1. Send them care packages for their trip to summer camp.
2. Give graduation cards. (I still remember the message on a card a minister's wife gave to me when I was 18: "Dear Grad: Keep your ear to the ground, your shoulder to the wheel, and your nose to the grindstone...and you'll end up with a dirty ear, sloped shoulder and pointy nose!" Corny, yes, but it meant the world to me.)
3. Give cards congratulating them on getting their driver's licenses (these are at card stores, believe it or not).
4. Throw snowballs at them. (Be ready to get some back.)
5. For those going to camp, buy a special notebook for Sabbath and Christian Living class notes. Ask them to write down any really good material to share with you.
6. On about page 10 of that notebook write a personal note like, "Hi! How's this class going? Thought I'd just pop up here to wish you a great rest of the day. Can't wait till you get back and tell us all about it!"
7. Anytime you get coupons for discounts at anything they like (putt-putt golf, bowling, hamburger places, etc.), randomly pass them out.
8. Go to the bank, get some two dollar bills and on a special occasion give them out with a note saying they're special just like this bill is.
9. If you have violinists or flutists (or any other instrumentalists) in your area, take time to watch them practice and ask them to show you how to hold the instrument, how to make a sound come out of it, etc.
10. Buy a bunch of Baskin-Robbins $1 gift certificates with your second tithe and give them out before everyone goes to the Feast.
11. At church when you are talking with an elderly person, if a teen walks by, stop the teen and ask them if they know each other. If not, introduce them.
12. When a teen is going through some trial or trouble, tell him or her you'll pray about it.
13. Find out who is a real "Garfield," "Dilbert" or other comic strip fan. Cut out really good ones, put them in an envelope and give them out at church on a regular basis.
14. Let them know your philosophy is: Teens aren't problems; teens have problems (just like everybody else).
15. Ask them questions about things in teen culture that you don't understand.
16. Look for things in their personalities that you like or that affect others in a positive way. Compliment them on these traits and encourage them to use these qualities.
17. Ask a lot of "What do you think?" and "What is your opinion?" questions.
18. Smile at them!
19. Talk to them.
20. Tell them you love them.

(Source: "101 Ways to Show Your Church Teens 'I Love You,'" by Clyde Kilough, December 1998 Ministerial Quarterly.)

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