Treasure Digest
A Map to Life
The Ten Commandments are a map to life—the right road. Go this way and you won't get lost. No dead ends, no broken bridges or deep gullies, no abrupt steep cliffs.
This is not a grumpy old man saying, "You do it my way or else," but a loving Father telling you the right way, looking out for you. Just as a loving mother holds you tight and kisses away the bumps and scratches, so God is a million times more loving. He has lived forever; He's "been there," so to speak. He doesn't make mistakes as we do. Even our parents, who try to do all things for our good, make mistakes, in love. But our Father God doesn't.
Sometimes there are tests, but we have had tests in school too. Just study a little harder and you'll make A's.
— Marie Lisson
Collinsville, Illinois, congregation