United Church of God

Treasure Digest: Overwhelmed? Take Two Steps and Call God in the Morning (and Noon and Night)

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Treasure Digest

Overwhelmed? Take Two Steps and Call God in the Morning (and Noon and Night)

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The suffering represented by page after page of prayer request updates can be overwhelming. Add the suffering in our families, communities and around the world seen in the news...

Thankfully we have hope of a better world to come, and a responsibility to spread that hope.

But we're such a small church, and it's such a big world. How can we reach our own community, let alone Eastern Europe, the Middle East or Asia?

Two steps can help us cope with these feelings of being paralyzed by the enormity of it all:

1. Do what you can. Don't let this list overwhelm you, but why not pick at least one item to start on this week (or come up with your own)?

• Send a card.
• Help with a Good Works or other fund-raiser.
• Get involved in member participation programs (check with your pastor or contact John LaBissoniere john_labissoniere@ucg.org).
• Volunteer to help at services.
• Be hospitable—invite someone over for tea, snacks and conversation, or a whole dinner if you can.
• Speak often one with another, encouraging and supporting our spiritual family.
• Write a short article for "Treasure Digest," trying to solve the world's problems in 400 words or less.

You can't do it all, but adding another candle beats cursing (or being overwhelmed by) the darkness.

2. Cast your cares on God (1 Peter 5:6-7). This includes sighing and crying out to Him about the troubles you see (Ezekiel 9:4) and urgently praying for Christ's return (Revelation 22:20). Christ promises rest for the weary who come to Him (Matthew 11:28-30). Remember, God is "able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20)—a sure cure for overwhelming cares.

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