United Church of God

Treasure Digest: What Is the Context of Your Life?

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Treasure Digest

What Is the Context of Your Life?

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It's our choice how we spend our time but, as the saying goes, "Action follows thought." What is our frame of reference? What do we think about most?

In God's Church we have been taught to "consider the context." What is the context of your life? How do you measure day in and day out activities? What reference points do you use?

If we frame our lives around buying and selling or around health concerns or perhaps even just our own family—then everything is seen through the filter or context of these issues. On the other hand, if we are consistently reading, thinking about and usefully employing God's Word, then whatever is happening in our lives has a Bible context. God will not let those reviewed scriptures just wither on the vine. Rather by His Holy Spirit, He can infuse our lives with powerful meaning. But He doesn't seem to do so with those who choose not to "gather with" Him.

Notice the last part of Matthew 12:30: "He who does not gather with Me scatters abroad." Why would anyone run away from Jesus? Perhaps it is not running away from Him so much as running toward what we know, what we are familiar with. If we have chosen to frame our lives principally around family, friends, business or any strong but ultimately very personal concerns, then perhaps we aren't choosing to gather with Christ. In a crisis we might actually run away from Him.

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