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  • by Tom Robinson
As the United States celebrates its national birthday and gears up for a rancorous political election season, many lament how far the nation has fallen from its early aspirations and fear its soon-coming demise—of losing what Abraham Lincoln called “the last best hope of earth.” But America was never that. The true last best hope is yet ahead.
  • by Darris McNeely
Nations don’t die all at once. Various factors contribute over time—cultural shifts, economic challenges, political instability, external pressures. We are witnessing the decline of a great pow-er, America, long blessed by God as an exceptional nation and model for others. People around the world are watching this year’s election. They know it will impact their future.
  • by Rick Shabi
Is it too late for America? Has it grown too polarized to ever unite again? Has its downward spiral into depravity so corrupted the populace that it cannot return to the basic principles of family and morality underpinning every successful nation?
  • by Robin Webber
We have a limited perspective when it comes to setting our own course in life. We must learn to expect the unexpected from a God who presents us with hard challenges—and the direction and means to meet them and press on.
  • by Becky Sweat
Coping with loneliness is an age-old struggle. Now, despite numerous means of instant electronic communications, the problem is growing, with people seeming even more cut off from each other. For those who feel alone, here are steps that will help.

Recent Comments

Tania W's picture Tania W said:
Kia ora,

I needed to hear this series for real! However, all day today I've walked off probably 12x today because it's a two edged sword, of which I loved, then walked off...
4 months 2 weeks ago in 5 Steps to Real Change: Part 1 - Finding Hope in a Confused World

Judy K Resler said:
Thank you so much for this article, Teri. It is encouraging and helpful for me. I, too, feel like God has me 'under construction' and articles like this help me immensely....
6 months 1 day ago in Don’t Quit Keep Playing