1 Minute - Make It Count

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1 Minute - Make It Count

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1 Minute - Make It Count

MP4 Video - 720p (43.08 MB)
MP3 Audio (669.71 KB)

A lot can happen in a minute. Make your minute count!



[Steve Myers] Amazing things happen in just one single minute. You may have seen in a previous BT Daily from a website, qmee.com, listed what happens in just an amazing minute on the web. Look at the things that happen in a minute. On Facebook, 1.8 million likes on Facebook in just one minute. On Flickr 20 million photos are uploaded, or actually they're viewed in just one single minute.

Sometimes we think, "A minute? What's that? We can't do anything in a minute." But in actuality you can do amazing things in just one minute. I think this is a good reminder for us that there are phenomenal things, huge things, big things that can happen in just one single minute.

So don't waste any time. Don't throw away even just a single minute.

We're reminded of that in Colossians 4:5. Here's what it says, "Walk in wisdom towards those who are outside redeeming the time." Other translations say, "Make the most of every opportunity." And that's what this reminds me of. In one minute there are opportunities to make a difference.

You can make a difference. Make the most of every single minute.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.